IB Basics for Parents and Students

Justyna McMillan

We would like to invite you to our upcoming IB Basics Evening which will take place on Thursday January 19th at 6:30PM in MPB1. This session is primarily aimed at parents and students who are interested in learning more about the IB Program at ISB, which includes information about the IB Diploma, IB Courses and IB Assessment. We particularly encourage current Gr10 parents and students to

join as students are making course choices for the next academic year in the coming weeks.

Please register for this session using THIS link. 

We would also like to remind you about our Course Information Evening for current Grade 10 students and parents scheduled for January 26th at 6:30. This evening will offer an opportunity to talk to subject teachers about our pathways in Grades 11 and 12 and all courses on offer,  including Advanced Placement (AP), ISB and IBDP courses. 

 For your information HS Course Registrations for 2023-2024 will open on PowerSchool on February 1st.

 If you have any questions about the IB Basics session please contact Justyna McMillan, the Dean of Academics. 


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