Back to School Reminders

Andy Vaughan

I hope you have all had a wonderful vacation over the past few weeks and that your child is ready to return to the second semester re energised! 

Students schedules are available on PowerSchool through the student and parent log in pages. Please note that we will be starting Monday as a normal day one schedule.

Uniforms and Dress Code
We ask that parents support the High School faculty and administration in ensuring your child leaves for school in the correct uniform. Our dress code policy can be found on page 40 of the online student handbook under ‘Uniform and Dress Code’. 

For a quick summary please note the following:

  • School pants can be purchased from the bookstore, but we do allow non-bookstore pants, so long as they are in the same design limitations as our bookstore pants (smart casual). Pants must be appropriate length (defined as 1/3 of the hip to knee, or no shorter than to the end of one’s thumb tips with arms extended). Tighter pants are allowed however, spandex and ‘yoga’ style  sports pants are not allowed. Pants should also be free from larger branding (small discrete symbols are allowed). 
  • Hoodies and sweaters must be purchased from the Booster Hut. 
  • Every Friday students will have a specific focused alternative dress day in which they will be able to wear ISB Team-wear, class shirts, ISB club wear or themed dress as per the planned schedule for that week. Our Student Council will be sharing these dress days with students directly in the coming weeks
  • Footwear should be comfortable, practical and safe. Shoes must be closed toe shoes and cannot be the traditional ‘croc’ sandal.

The High School faculty and administration will monitor students’ attire to ensure that it aligns to our expectations.  Please help us in ensuring that your student(s) only wear dress code conforming clothing to school.  

Bicycle and Motor Scooter Helmets
For personal safety considerations, appropriate bike helmets should be worn (and properly strapped) by both students and adults entering campus.  Administrators and security guards may periodically monitor the front gate and offer reminders and encouragement.  Thank you for helping to support and model a safe environment at ISB!

Driving to school
Only students with a valid Thai driver’s license may drive/park a car on campus.  Students who are 15 years or older may drive/park a motor scooter on campus provided:

  • The student has a Thai driver’s license for their age group
  • The student obtains a parking permit sticker from the HS Office
  • The motorbike is 110cc or under if the student is under 18 years of age
  • An appropriately strapped motorcycle helmet is worn and the driver only carries passengers with helmets on and off campus

Golf carts must also be operated safely and be affixed with a parking pass from the security office. Only students with an approved drivers license will be permitted to park a golf cart on campus and such students must obtain an approval from the High School Office. Drivers licenses from other countries are applicable certification for students driving golf carts to school.

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