Message from the Principal

Justin Alexander

We are so glad to be able to welcome our students back from their DELVE trips/experiences earlier today or in some cases last night. We had students and teachers spread across Bangkok, throughout Thailand, and also within South East Asia participating in DELVE. As you can imagine this is quite a logistical feat and special thanks go out to Peter Assimakopoulos and Khun Pat in particular for making this work so smoothly. Peter and Khun Pat also received great support from our very own Dr. Dhave, Mark Hevland, and our HS and central office secretarial teams. 

Do take a moment with your child and listen to what they learned, what they saw, and what experiences they enjoyed. We will be collecting feedback from students after the break about each of the trips so that we can make adjustments and improvements where necessary. It was also great to hear so many positive reports from our teachers about our students and their involvement, engagement, and positive attitude over the course of the week. Although I was on ‘standby’ duty for potential sick teachers this week, I was still able to travel to Sam Yoi Rot and Petchaburi and join two of our Delve trips for just a few days. It was great to be in the outdoors and to discover and learn a bit more about the wonderful diversity that exists here in Thailand along with our students. 

Rest up, spend time with your family and enjoy the upcoming festive season. We all look forward to the three-week break and will see you all in 2023. 

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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