Happy Holidays!

by Dennis Harter, MS Principal

It has been a wonderful first semester to the 2022-23 school year! While the start of the year seems like it was a long time ago, the semester also feels like it’s flown by. We are certainly thankful that Thailand and ISB have been able to ease back on our COVID restrictions and we’ve seen a noticeable difference on campus with more social interactions, activities, and smiles.

Looking back at the semester’s highlights, we’ve returned to full middle school assemblies, hosted performances of Shakespeare Live, concerts, and open mic sessions in our amphitheater. Athletes have been active on the sports fields and in the gyms with U14 and U12 tournaments, matches, and away games. Some of our grade 8 students even played HS Varsity sports!

In the classrooms, students have been collaboratively engaged in their learning with visible showcases of their progress around campus in exhibits, on bulletin boards, and in demonstrations. There has been so much learning growth already this term and we are looking forward to getting back at it again in the second semester.

Meanwhile off campus, all of our grade 8s and half of our grade 7s have participated in their Wild Panthers learning program at the EWC. Grade 6s had their full class trip to Kanchanaburi. And our most keen outdoor adventurers have camped out on one or both of our weekend Eco Trips. Service is in full swing with students working closely with outside organizations on environmental issues and partnering with iCare to support those in need. Our Symphonic Band was able to take part in their music service trip again down in Non Ya Plong.  Most recently, our art students visited art exhibits in town.

We hope that our many new families are feeling settled in Thailand and/or at ISB. We see many of our new students enjoying school and connecting with peers. This year, we had many new faculty join the MS and already they’ve become part of who we are connecting with students and colleagues quickly.

We wish everyone a lovely break. May it be peaceful, joyous, and filled with family and friends. 

Happy Holidays from the Middle School!

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