MS students share service leadership at the ServICE conference

by Kerry Dyke, MS Service Coordinator

The 12th Annual Bangkok ServICE Conference was hosted this year by Berkeley International School and ISB participated with 13 MS students and 5 HS.

This conference is student-led focusing on environmental and humanitarian challenges in the world. The I.C.E. in ServICE stands for Inspire, Connect, and Empower respectively.

That is exactly what happened in the powerful 3 day annual event. Day 1 had students mixing with students from other schools and going to various sites to learn about composting food waste at a mall, working with children at the Mercy center, rescuing dogs, planting mangroves, and much more. The next 2 days were filled with events at Berkeley. The keynote speakers (student and adult) were incredibly diverse, knowledgeable, and INSPIRATIONAL. The fair had booths from NGO’s, students, and other organizations and was a great way to CONNECT with others in the field of interest. The students also led ‘HOW TO” sessions which were to show what they did and how others could do it too. We hope students from all 16 schools are now EMPOWERED to continue to take action to build a better world.


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