News from School Counselors

Shannon Leoni

We have finished the last full week of school before December break! All of us are very much looking forward to our DELVE trips, and then a much-needed break and rest.

A highlight from this week have been the sessions with our FCD (Freedom from Chemical Dependency) representative in Grade 9 and 10 health classes, as well as sessions with Grade 11 students. The FCD representative has been working with health teachers, administrators, and counselors to discuss prevention strategies, and have honest conversations with one another about our attitudes toward using substances. There was also a parent session, which was highly successful in ensuring that the conversations around substance use are taking place with students at home. 

The counselors have facilitated conversations with our Grade 12 students in Advisory, focusing on transitions and how students can navigate all of the big changes they’re going through and facing. We love the opportunity to have open dialogue with students around such time-sensitive topics.

We are still happy to have you join the counselors for a parent book club if you haven’t had the chance to do so yet. We are reading Stolen Focus by Johann Hari. Our next meeting is next Wednesday, December 7 at 9am in MPB3. To this point we have read through Chapter 6. At our next meeting we will have read through Chapter 9. However, it does not matter if you have not had a chance to read the book yet. The conversations have been lively and meaningful and we would love your company.

Please let us know if you would like us to support your child in any way, we are always happy to hear from parents.

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