Andy Vaughan
Many thanks to all parents who were able to attend the FCD presentation that was held on Wednesday night in the Chevron. The powerpoint presentation from Morgan Jones is shared here.
One of the main messages from Morgan’s talk on Wednesday is that we are doing a great job in the community and that our alcohol and drug use is at or below US norms and norms from other SE Asian schools. A key finding from our survey that students took was as follows:
“One of the most striking findings is the extent to which students misperceive the behaviors and attitudes of their schoolmates. And, if students are doing so, one must wonder whether the adults in the community are likewise overestimating use, and underestimating healthy attitudes and behaviors. Such mistaken normative beliefs can be a significant factor in increasing use and promoting the idea that a “culture of use” exists at a school.”
For parents who wish to learn more about the presentation we invite you to watch the recording above.