Uniform reminders and Personal Hygiene

Middle school is a time of significant body and chemical changes for adolescents. As many parents are seeing at home, this can manifest in new ways for young people, like body odor, acne, and other hygiene issues. MS students may not notice the difference, recalling when they could be active all day when they were in elementary school and not worry about it. 

Now at MS-age, it’s much more important for students to look after their personal hygiene. Wearing clean clothes, possibly using deodorant or perspirant, and changing after active sessions is essential for their wellness and well-being.

Students are required to be in their ISB polo shirts during the school day and PE uniforms for PE. We want student to change out of their sweaty clothes, so please make sure our child is bringing items to school to allow them to change and stay clean. Students will be asked to change into loaner items if they don’t have these items themselves.



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