Thoughtful, Reflective Learners

During MS Advisory time this week, your children have been engaged in a guided reflection and goal-setting process based on the mid-semester narrative comments from their teachers. By now, we hope that you have been contacted by your child’s advisor, inviting you to take part in this process.  We ask that you read over the mid-semester comments, as well as your child’s reflections, the goals they have targeted for growth, and the strategies they have identified to make progress.  Please take the time to respond to your child’s reflection and goals by including a written response on their form.

We encourage you to use this as an opportunity to engage in a conversation with your children about their learning; celebrating areas of success and discussing the steps they have outlined to show growth in other areas.

While all MS mid-semester comments are already accessible for you to download in PowerSchool, we ask you to wait until your child has completed the reflection and goal-setting process to discuss the comments and reflection with your child. 

To download comment reports on PowerSchool

  1. Log on to PowerSchool
  2. Select ‘Grades and Attendance’ on the navigation bar on the left hand side
  3. You will find the link to download.

The report is password protected. Please copy the password before you click the link.

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