MS Single Page View

Uniform reminders and Personal Hygiene

Middle school is a time of significant body and chemical changes for adolescents. As many parents are seeing at home, this can manifest in new ways for young people, like body odor, acne, and other hygiene issues. MS students may not notice the difference, recalling when they could be active all day when they were in elementary school and not worry about it. 

Now at MS-age, it’s much more important for students to look after their personal hygiene. Wearing clean clothes, possibly using deodorant or perspirant, and changing after active sessions is essential for their wellness and well-being.

Students are required to be in their ISB polo shirts during the school day and PE uniforms for PE. We want student to change out of their sweaty clothes, so please make sure our child is bringing items to school to allow them to change and stay clean. Students will be asked to change into loaner items if they don’t have these items themselves.

Thoughtful, Reflective Learners

During MS Advisory time this week, your children have been engaged in a guided reflection and goal-setting process based on the mid-semester narrative comments from their teachers. By now, we hope that you have been contacted by your child’s advisor, inviting you to take part in this process.  We ask that you read over the mid-semester comments, as well as your child’s reflections, the goals they have targeted for growth, and the strategies they have identified to make progress.  Please take the time to respond to your child’s reflection and goals by including a written response on their form.

We encourage you to use this as an opportunity to engage in a conversation with your children about their learning; celebrating areas of success and discussing the steps they have outlined to show growth in other areas.

While all MS mid-semester comments are already accessible for you to download in PowerSchool, we ask you to wait until your child has completed the reflection and goal-setting process to discuss the comments and reflection with your child. 

To download comment reports on PowerSchool

  1. Log on to PowerSchool
  2. Select ‘Grades and Attendance’ on the navigation bar on the left hand side
  3. You will find the link to download.

The report is password protected. Please copy the password before you click the link.


Eco Trip Fun 

A couple of weekends ago, some MS students embarked on the second Eco-Trip of the year. Students kayaked through mangroves and small rapids, explored caves, and camped out in nature, cooking for themselves and supporting each other.


Here are just a few highlights from the trip:


Visiting Artist Aura Cherrybag 

We are thrilled that Aura Cherrybag will be working with ES, MS, and HS  students for the next few weeks. She will be sharing her experiences as a mixed media illustrator and leading students through ways of working with paper and collage. Her recent book, Good Days, documents her experiences in northern Thailand during COVID. Aura’s keen observations about her daily life will inform the work she does with students.

Meet the Artist and Contribute a Color!
You are invited to meet Aura Cherrybag, paint a textured color or two, and see her in action as she creates a collage for ISB. Aura will have original artworks and her recent book, Good Days, for sale as well.

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Inspiration from Guest Speaker Vahen King 

This week, Middle School was treated to a visit from author, model, and motivational speaker, Vahen King. 

Ms. King is “Founder of the Non-Profit Organization Going Farther. At age 23, one week after her engagement, Vahen developed Transverse Myelitis, a virus that left her physically disabled and dependent on the use of a wheelchair. Trying to adapt as a person with a disability, her “new normal” was feelings of self-doubt and exclusion. Reaching a point of desperation, Vahen realized that she had a choice to make, to be paralyzed by fears and insecurities, or push forward.”

In 2017, Ms. King was named the first ever Miss Wheelchair Canada and Miss Kindness World. She has been recognized with the 2021 women of inspiration “influencer” award.

Ms. King connected with ISB through MS PE teacher Kerry Dyke who had gone to high school with Ms. King in Canada. In recent years they had reconnected through social media. When Mr. Dyke learned that Ms. King was coming to Thailand, Mr. Dyke invited her to visit ISB and come speak with our MS and HS students. 

Her focus with students was on resiliency and believing in themselves to overcome challenge, adversity, and set backs. Students connected with her message and felt inspired to meet and learn from someone who has overcome so much with positivity and resilience.


Leaving ISB at the end of the semester? 

Parents of students who are not returning to ISB in January need to notify the MS Office, Khun Namwan ( as soon as possible to enable us to process school records for their next school.  Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


MS and HS Band Concert 


Take Me Home:

A Country Roads Holiday Band Concert

6:30 PM November 29, 2022

Chevron Theater

Free Admission




Chevron Theater

December 8th, 2022

Come join Middle School, High School and the Adult Community Choir on December 8th for a lively and spirited performance of choir songs from all over the world! We will be celebrating live music, a semester of singing without masks and being together during this holiday season! 6:30 pm in the Chevron Theater. Tickets are free. Questions can be emailed to

Poster made by: Katja Nugroho, Grade 11.


Boy Scout Troop 701 Flower Sales 

Boy Scouts Troop 701 is offering pre-orders for flower bouquets and single roses for your upcoming musical performance events. Flower sales are one of our major fundraising events that support scouting activities and service projects.

The bouquets and single roses can be picked up at the front gate near Chevron Theatre half an hour before the performance begins.

Please click here for the Google order form 





6 December, 2022

6:30PM Chevron Theater

The 2022 ISB Strings Bash showcases student musicians from all three divisions, including the ES Panther Strings Ensemble, MS Beginning Orchestra, MS Concert Orchestra, and HS String Orchestra. This year’s bash is the perfect way to celebrate the season with a program that includes holiday favorites from around the globe and an Irish fiddle circle that’s not to be missed!


This=That Exhibition 

MS 2-D Art

Main LIbrary

17 November-7 December 2022

Outside the Main Library you can enjoy the This=That photo series created by Middle School 2-D Art students.

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Artists play.

They play with ideas, color, line, texture, metaphor, shape, composition, pattern, rhythm, questions, scale, movement, and more.

Playing helps artists make sense of their world.

The time spent playing allows for artists to notice patterns, develop questions, and determine priorities. It helps them sharpen their perceptions and awareness, test theories, and grow their imagination.

For their This=That project students played with concepts and conceptual elements to create connections between photographs. They started with the same four photographs, chose one, and then developed their own path forward. Students also tested and trialed image transfer, noticing how this technique responded to a variety of materials. The culmination of this project involved students selecting a pair of photos from their sequence for image transfer. They deliberately selected materials that would further support the concept they had developed in the photos.

You’re invited to visit the exhibition.

Take time to look closely.

Have a play.

What might be the conceptual and compositional connections between their photos?

Note: Creating connections between seemingly unrelated things develops creativity.

The This=That project was inspired by the book, This=That, by Jason Fulford and Tamara Shopsin.

A huge thank you to Basil Tahan for sharing his insights, ideas, and expertise with our Middle School artists.

And, of course, thank you to the amazing Khun MJ and Khun Neoy. This would not have been possible without them. We also really appreciate B&G’s support. Thank you!


Invention Center After School & Saturday Programs 

Come to the Invention Center on Saturday, November 26th from 9 to 11:00am and learn to make a mechanical hand extender. This is a free project available to any students, parents, or staff. We will have room for the first 10 participants that sign up. Contact Travis Dynes at to sign up.

A reminder that the Invention Center is open to students, parents, and staff every day after school until 6pm and on Saturdays from 8am-2pm (elementary students need to have a parent present for supervision).


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