Freedom From Chemical Dependency (FCD)

Jackie Valenzuela

Freedom From Chemical Dependency (FCD) will be on campus meeting with our high school students next week. They work with schools around the world to:

  • Encourage and support the non-use of alcohol and other illegal or illicit drugs during the growing years.
  • Empower young people to make healthy, responsible choices regarding alcohol and other drug use
  • Teach students and adults how to recognize the early warning signs of substance abuse and to intervene appropriately
  • Educate students, parents, teachers, and administrators on the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and other drugs
  • Promote awareness of drug addiction, including alcoholism, as a progressive, chronic, and often fatal disease
  • Provide educational communities with the guidance and training necessary to implement comprehensive, effective approaches to substance abuse prevention.

To that end, on Wednesday evening, November 30, you are invited to attend a parent session with the FCD specialist at 6:30pm in the Chevron theater. Please sign up HERE.

These programs present a perfect opportunity for discussing alcohol and other drug-related issues with your children. Parental involvement is crucial to our efforts to reduce the risks teenagers face. We want our students to hear from both school and home that we are concerned about alcohol, nicotine, and other drug use by adolescents, and that we are committed to keeping our children safe. We hope you can make it next week. 

Best regards,
The High School Administration and Counselors

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