Advanced Placement (AP) Information Meeting

Justyna McMillan

We are pleased to invite parents to our Advanced Placement (AP) Information Meeting, which will take place on Thursday 1st of December, at 10AM in MPB1. 

This will be a focused session where we will share information about the Advanced Placement courses at ISB and how AP courses can be combined with other ISB courses as part of a student’s academic program.  We will also share with you some insights into how AP courses are viewed by US college admissions as part of a student transcript, as well as how they might benefit students applying for higher education in other countries. 

Please register for the meeting using THIS LINK. The registration link also includes a space for you to enter a question you would like to have answered during the meeting. We can use these questions to help guide our discussions. 

Hope to see you next week!

ps. This meeting was originally scheduled for November 24th due to a clash with American Thanksgiving

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