Senior Dedication Pages

Jazz Topp 

Dear Senior Parents,

What an exciting time it is! While the end of the year may seem far, it is rapidly approaching. 

The yearbook team has put together several template pages for this year’s book, which is coming together nicely. It is that time of year, however, when we ask parents who are interested in submitting a Senior Dedication page submit a short message for your child congratulating them on graduating! 

As usual, we have given you the option to either purchase a full page (3000 baht) or half a page (2000 baht) in the yearbook to dedicate to your child.  

On the form linked below, you will see a list of options and templates for your pages. In these pages, you will need to include a message to your senior(s) and some photos you would like to share. 

  • Please include high-quality photos.  
  • Each page has a different amount of photo options. 
  • Please make your your message is 200-300 words 
  • Payment information is linked in the form.

For the yearbook this year, we are trying to include as many languages as possible. 

If you want to write your message (or part of your message) in another language, that is entirely acceptable. 

Please fill out this form by December 17, so we can begin putting these pages together. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Thank you very much,

Jazz Topp 
High School Yearbook

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