Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

A short message from me this week so that you have more time to read the news from our School and University counselors, Dean of Academics and others in this edition of HS Enews. 

Mid-November is a busy time as students are nearing the end of the first semester and are (hopefully) completing various assignments and assessments that are taking place over the next few weeks. Students may need to adjust some of their priorities and consider how they plan and use their time over this period to be sure that they are able to manage upcoming deadlines and assessments as they fall due. Now might be a good time to check in and see how much time your children are spending on Tik Tok and other social media apps on their phones etc. 

Screen Time for Iphone users

Checking screen time on Android phones

Advisors and grade-level leaders are also speaking with their students about this issue at the moment and having some support at home will also help your children a great deal. 

Have a great weekend.

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

Important Links

Have a question and don’t know who to ask – click on HS QUESTION LINK 

Click on HS Parent Meetings to see the full list of parent meetings for this year.

ISB Panther page for Varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules etc

DELVE Handbook link – for information about DELVE

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