Farewell Khun Gade & HS Attendance new email

Andy Vaughan

As shared in last week’s Enews, we are very excited to welcome Khun Tukta into the HS Attendance Secretary position as Khun Gade will begin retirement soon. Khun Tukta is joining us from Harrow International School and has been learning the ropes from Khun Gade over the past two weeks. 

Khun Tukta is the main point person for all attendance communications. If your child is going to be absent from school, needs to leave early or if there is any other communication necessary for attendance, please email directly to hsattendance@isb.ac.th

We will be celebrating Khun Gade at the end of next week for the many years of support she has provided for so many HS students at ISB. For any parents that would like to send a message that we will collate for Khun Gade, please submit via this form.


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