December Senior Treats and Contributions

Senior Moms and Dads!

We have celebrated our seniors these past 2 months in grand style! Thank you to US parents for so much delicious American candy and thank you to the Thai community for some amazing Loy Krathong-themed treats. I hope you are all hearing good things from your seniors!
If you have not yet contributed to the committee fund, you can do so at the link below. You will authorize a deduction of 1000 baht to be taken from your Campus Card account. Alternatively, you can pay in cash to members of the committee. We ask families to contribute 1000 baht per senior student. These fees will cover printing costs, the photo banners, the graduation gift each graduate will receive, and other fees we incur. 
Next Event: December International Treats!
December is a busy month, with all of the High School involved in DELVE the final week of the semester. So Holiday Senior Treats is scheduled for Friday 9 December, and we need BAKERS and CONTRIBUTORS!!
We are looking for parents to contribute delicious, holiday treats. Students will be given a container and will be allowed to select their favorites from a big, festive selection. 
Some ideas for the day:
Candy Canes
Hot Chocolate Mix
Cinnamon rolls
Fruit tarts
Sugar cookies
Other holiday cookies or cupcakes
Please let us know what you plan to bring so we can prevent there being too much or too little of any one thing.
We appreciate your support!
The Parent Graduation Committee
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