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Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

A short message from me this week so that you have more time to read the news from our School and University counselors, Dean of Academics and others in this edition of HS Enews. 

Mid-November is a busy time as students are nearing the end of the first semester and are (hopefully) completing various assignments and assessments that are taking place over the next few weeks. Students may need to adjust some of their priorities and consider how they plan and use their time over this period to be sure that they are able to manage upcoming deadlines and assessments as they fall due. Now might be a good time to check in and see how much time your children are spending on Tik Tok and other social media apps on their phones etc. 

Screen Time for Iphone users

Checking screen time on Android phones

Advisors and grade-level leaders are also speaking with their students about this issue at the moment and having some support at home will also help your children a great deal. 

Have a great weekend.
Justin Alexander
High School Principal


Important Links

Have a question and don’t know who to ask – click on HS QUESTION LINK 

Click on HS Parent Meetings to see the full list of parent meetings for this year.

ISB Panther page for Varsity and Junior Varsity game schedules etc

DELVE Handbook link – for information about DELVE


Farewell Khun Gade & HS Attendance new email

Andy Vaughan 

As shared in last week’s Enews, we are very excited to welcome Khun Tukta into the HS Attendance Secretary position as Khun Gade will begin retirement soon. Khun Tukta is joining us from Harrow International School and has been learning the ropes from Khun Gade over the past two weeks. 

Khun Tukta is the main point person for all attendance communications. If your child is going to be absent from school, needs to leave early or if there is any other communication necessary for attendance, please email directly to

We will be celebrating Khun Gade at the end of next week for the many years of support she has provided for so many HS students at ISB. For any parents that would like to send a message that we will collate for Khun Gade, please submit via this form.





News from the University Counselors

Debbie McDowell

The university counseling office remains a hub of activity! So much is going on with our students, presentations, and university events!

Thank you to those parents who joined us on 1 November for the Office of Overseas Schools presentation. Please click on that link to watch the recording of Ms Ellen Chow, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions at Johns Hopkins University, speaking about higher education trends in the US. It was great to have her join the counselors and our families to discuss university admissions in the United States. 

On Thursday, we had an excellent turn out for the Parent Coffee on the topic of University Rankings. You can find that slide show and all Parent Coffee presentations at the link provided.  Our next Parent Coffee will be on 16 January and will focus on the topic of Higher Education in the US. We look forward to a big crowd for that event!

Monday, 14 November was the 2022 Thai University Fair @ ISB.  We welcomed 25 faculties from 12 Thai universities which have English language programs. Over 100 students from 5 other international schools in Thailand joined the fair. The event was a big success because many ISB students, parents, staff and faculty came by to speak directly with the university representatives. We are grateful to those who came and look forward to the next time we can welcome Thai university representatives on campus. 

Grade 10
On Wednesday, grade 10 students took the Morrisby Profile. We encourage you to go over the results with your child. If they have not finished the assessment they should complete it at home over the weekend. There will be a debrief of the test in their advisory sessions next week. All students should refer to their Morrisby profile as part of the process to help them choose the courses for Grade 11. They will have the opportunity to discuss their results with their school counselor and their university counselor (Students will be assigned a university counselor in January.). We hope that the Morrisby Profile was a useful activity in which students learned a bit more about who they are, where their interests may lie, and helped identify what careers are available for them to investigate.

Grade 9 
University counselors met with all grade 9 students during an Advisory lesson this week. An introduction to the university research process was mentioned but the most important message was that students should be focusing on their academics as well as concentrating on self-reflection and discovery. Students are encouraged to do their absolute best in their classes as academics are the foundation for all university admissions around the world. It is important for students to have balance and be able to demonstrate interests, curiosity, and commitment. So, activities, arts, sports, clubs, and outside events are all important as they develop their interests and discover their own paths.  We encourage all students to practice balance in all things. 

Grade 11
Junior Seminar assignments are due this week and next. Students should have submitted their Personal Mission Statement on Thursday this week and the Priorities and Preferences assignment is due on 24 November. If you are a grade 11 parent, please ask your child about these!

Grade 12
All transcript requests for any university application due before 15 February should have already been submitted.  All requests received by 15 November will be processed before winter break. Counselors will do their best but those submitted after the deadline may not be processed before the counselors go on holiday.

The next big deadline looming is the 30 November, University of California deadline! Students must review their four Personal Inquiry Questions and application with their university counselor before submitting. Students should not wait until the deadline to apply! 

Also, all UCAS applications must be submitted to the university counselor by 1 December!

Just a reminder that all students applying to university in Thailand must register on TCAS (

Seniors are sincerely encouraged to submit all of their university applications before the winter break. They deserve a break and need to have downtime to recover from a hectic first semester. University counselors will not be available during the winter holiday to assist with reviewing essays and applications or with submissions. 

Upcoming University Visits @ ISB 

Tuesday, 22 November: WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany), 3:00-3:30 @ High School Conference Room 

Thursday, 24 November: Contra Costa Community College (USA), 11:00-11:40 @ HS Conference Room

Thursday, 1 December: Bard College (USA), 3:00-3:30 @ HS Conference Room

There are many virtual and off campus university events taking place which our students are invited to attend. Check the Virtual and Off Campus University Events spreadsheet frequently to know what’s available. Please note that pre-registration is needed for some events.

Please check the ISB University/College Counseling website for loads of information. You will find university research tools, transition resources for students and parents, recordings and slide shows from Parent Coffees and family presentations, virtual and off campus university visits, information about testing and how to sign up for the SAT at ISB, a list of summer programs about which the counselors have been informed, and the ISB School Profile.



News from School Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

Freedom From Chemical Dependency (FCD) will be on campus meeting with our high school students the week of November 28. They work with schools around the world to provide students with the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make intelligent, healthy choices about alcohol and other drug use. 

Mark your calendar – On Wednesday evening, November 30, parents are invited to attend a session with the FCD specialist at 6:30pm in the Chevron theater. More information to follow next week.


News from HS Library

Christopher Bell

Please click News from HS Library


Season 2 Spirit Night 
Kelley McKenna your calendars! Season 2 Spirit Night will take place on Friday, November 25th. Our Varsity Rugby/Touch, Tennis, Basketball and Swim Teams will take to the fields, courts and pool against local and international teams! We will have food vendors, activities and more! Come join the fun and show your Panther Pride! 



Kelley McKenna  

Monday- Pajama Day 
Tuesday- Jersey Day
Wednesday- Twin Day 
Thursday- Character Day
Friday- Black & Gold Day



IASAS Cultural Convention Visual Arts Exhibition Nov 21 through Dec 16 – Main Library

Anthony Giles

Nov 21 through Dec 16 – Main Library

Featuring individual student works selected for the IASAS convention in Manila and the convention delegate collaboration. 









IASAS Drama Auditions! 22-23 November
Anthony Giles

We are looking for 8 passionate theatre makers and performers to be a part of this year’s IASAS Drama piece: 100! Please see the video linked below for more information, and sign up for auditions using the attached Google Form. See you then!

Ms Harison-Denby and Ms Topp
( &

Information Video

Audition Sign-Up!









Anthony Giles

Join Author, Motivational Speaker, Philanthropist, Vahen King, for a PTA Sponsored event, ‘Contagious Courage,’ in MPB-1 at 6:00pm Wednesday, November 23rd. All are welcome.

Jazz Nite I – Feeling Good!
Anthony Giles

The first concert by our high school jazz musicians will be on Thursday, Dec 1st at 6:30 pm in the CC Theater.  The ISB Jazz Combo will be performing the music of Cannonball Adderley, Carlos Jobim, Count Basie, and other jazz legends.  A highlight for the concert will be our guest vocalist, and former ISB alum, Jace Packayapan singing songs by Van Morrison and Leslie Bricusse.  Join us for an evening of wonderful jazz music, featuring the very spontaneous creation of melodies through improvisation, and arrangements in jazz style.  The concert is free admission and all are invited!









Anthony Giles

If you are an artist interested in performing at Artists Under the Stars on December 9th, fill out the interest form HERE by November 25th. It’s a great opportunity to perform in front of a welcoming audience in an awesome atmosphere. More information about the event is coming soon!



Arts & Activities @ ISB 

Anthony Giles


17  ES Art ‘Cardboardia’ (ends Dec. 12) Chevron Gallery

17  MS ‘This=That’ Exhibition (ends Dec. 7) Main Library  

19  ES Girl Powered Robotics Extravaganza (9-12pm) 

20  HS Chess Tournament @ BPS 

21  Aura Cherrybag, Guest Visual Artist (through Dec. 7) 

21  IASAS Art Exhibition (ends December 16) Main Library

24  Julia Rick @ ISB (MS/HS Lunch) Panther Den

29  MS/HS Band Concert (6:30pm) Chevron Theater



1  Jazz Night 1 (6:30pm) CC Theater (moved from the 6th)

3  VEX Robotics Scrimmage @ St. Andrews 

6  Strings Bash (6:30pm) Chevron Theater (moved from the 1st)

8  Community Choir Concert (6:30pm) Chevron Theater

9  HS Artsco’s ‘Artists Under the Stars’ (6:00pm) Outdoor Stage

10  IASAS Chess @ SAS (virtual)

12  ES Festival of Lights (6:30pm) Chevron Theater


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