Visiting Artist, Aura Cherrybag, 21st Nov – 7th Dec

Visiting Artist, Aura Cherrybag, 21 November – 7 December

We are thrilled that Aura Cherrybag will be working with ES, MS, and HS  students for the next few weeks. She will be sharing her experiences as a mixed media illustrator and leading students through ways of working with paper and collage. Her recent book, Good Days, documents her experiences in northern Thailand during COVID. Aura’s keen observations about her daily life will inform the work she does with students..

From her website: 

My name is Aura. I am a mixed media illustrator based in Bangkok. My work is currently focused on representing the memorable moments of human character, food, and nature that appear within life. I attempt to capture and portray the positive energy of cheerfulness and happiness. I use a combination of different paper collage techniques and acrylic coloring to create my artwork.

Trista Meisner (she/her)
Middle School Art Teacher

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