Weekly Message from Principal Allen

Prior to the October break and into this week, the ES Principals including Honey Tondre, Farah Thaxton and me, have been visiting all the ES learning communities in action. We appreciate the opportunity to see the students’ engaged in learning, and how all of the ES teachers and instructional assistants are supporting the learning process. Our commitment to provide individuals and teams with feedback comes from our shared belief that all educators are committed to growth, and that feedback promotes a positive and reflective school culture.  We had the opportunity to visit every classroom as well as provide feedback and a reflective question through the lens of the ISB Definition of Learning.

As you reflect on the parent teacher conferences you attended on October 6 and 7 where you discussed your child’s growth, development, successes and goals, I invite you think of your child’s skills through the ISB Definition of Learning.

As learners, we develop and show our understanding when we:

  • Apply our learning to new situations
  • Inquire to extend our learning
  • Create solutions
  • Communicate our learning effectively to others
  • Make connections across our learning  
  • Reflect critically on our learning

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen


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