Playground Access and MS Students

We are very excited to have terrific facilities at ISB and our playgrounds are no exception. Of course, we built them for student use, so we want students using them. As our MS students know, currently they do not have access to the playgrounds during the school day (and in particular, MS lunchtime, when MS students have free time to play).

This is a current, temporary, and necessary measure as Elementary School continues to need to stagger their lunch and recess times due to their adjusted cafeteria lunch schedule. With this staggered schedule, ES students have more time slots for lunch and recess (with fewer numbers of students) to match the lower-capacity needs of the cafeteria. As such, they need the access to the playground spaces. 

MS students have access to these spaces after school, to use the equipment and enjoy the activities. During lunch we have open field space outdoors and gym space for basketball and ping pong for students to be active and have fun together. When the playground(s) are available during the school day again for MS students, we will let them know.

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