Music for Meals

Music4Opportunity & Share The Meal invites your child to Music for Meals evening next Tuesday, October 25, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm at the Amphitheater (near the Grind). The first people to arrive get FREE PIZZA!! Join us for an evening full of games, food stalls, live performances, and a special guest speaker.

This event is a collaboration between ShareTheMeal & Music for Opportunity clubs. Share the Meal’s primary goal is to help those affected by global crises from our international community to create a nurturing support system. The Share the Meal app allows us to donate food to any part of the world facing famine, where The United Nations World Food Programme will deliver. As a community at ISB, we will be running many fun campaigns and events to work toward this goal. Come join us, and let’s be the generation to reach zero hunger! Music 4 Opportunity is a club that focuses on teaching English through song at temple schools in Thailand.

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