Weekly Message from Principal Allen

Thank you to all of our students, parents and teachers for coming together to celebrate each child’s growth and development as well as work in partnership to identify clear learning goals for the rest of the semester.  

At ISB, we believe that children are in charge of their learning and we give them many opportunities to know that they are capable and that they can influence what happens to them.  During the conferences these past two days your child was an essential element as all areas of each child’s behavior and learning were discussed with openness and transparency so that children continue to feel empowered and responsible for their behavior and learning. 

Some of the student benefits of having students be part of the conferences include the following:

  • Accountability for their learning
  • Ownership of the learning process
  • Increased commitment to school work
  • Increased interaction between child and parents
  • Increased independence
  • Ability to self-assess
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Development of leadership skills
  • Fostering of organizational, communication and critical thinking skills

Some of the documented parental benefits of including students include the following:

  • Active participation in your child’s learning
  • Better understanding of your child’s learning successes and challenges
  • Forum for parents to have a voice that is heard by teachers and children
  • Improved communication between home and school
  • The creation of a forum for you to talk with your children productively and positively

Thank you again for your active participation in Student Parent Teacher Conferences these past two days! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen, Ed.D.

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