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Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Success

It has been an important two days of conversations with teachers, parents, and students for our Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences. We appreciate the commitment parents have shared to their child’s learning. Teachers were able to engage students in reflection on their progress so far and provide feedback for strengths to continue and areas to improve. 

Thank you to our terrific faculty who hosted countless conversations throughout the two days. The ongoing partnership between home and school will continue to provide our students with the greatest support for success. 




Upcoming Parent Workshop – Math in the Middle School 

As shared in our eNews from September 16th, the MS is excited to be hosting on-campus parent information sessions again. The first of those sessions this year will be about the Middle School Math program, with specific focus on our Grade 6 program and recent changes.

If this topic is of interest to you, please hold the following date/time:

Thursday, October 20th, 9:30-10:30 AM in MPB 1

MS Math Program Parent Information Session

This session will be hosted by our MS Administration and MS Math teachers, including the team leader.

Based on parent feedback and our own ideas, future sessions being planned include (dates to be announced):

  • “When Kids are Mean” – Parenting session presented by our MS Counselors
  • Standards Based Grading and Reporting – Understanding PowerSchool, grades, and report cards in the MS
  • World Languages in MS and into HS – Understanding requirements and language pathways through to the IB

If you would like to suggest other topics, please fill in this form.


Boarding School & Summer Program Application Process 

by MS Counselors

While we hope that all students stay at ISB for middle and high school and benefit from our wonderful school, academic program, and extracurricular activities, we understand that some situations may require families to explore boarding school options for their child.

If you are planning to apply for admission to boarding school for the 2023-24 school year, please make an appointment to meet with your child’s counselor as early as possible – and definitely before November 1.

For us to best support your child’s application process, it is essential that parents meet with their child’s counselor, in person or on Zoom. Counselors can help families unpack the implications of boarding school in comparison to options of staying at ISB.

October is typically when students who are planning on applying to boarding school register for the SSAT, ISEE, or other necessary testing (e.g., TOEFL). This is also the time when applicants begin gathering teacher references.

Part of the process of the counselor meeting will be to coordinate reference writing. We ask that parents do not write directly to teachers for references, but rather coordinate those references requests through their child’s counselor. This will enable us to ensure that references and other documentation is submitted to the receiving institution and that teachers are provided adequate time to do a good job.

In order for teachers to provide a thorough, quality reference for your child, we ask that you allow a 4 week turn around time from the time the reference request is received until the reference is completed. For example, students who are applying to schools with January application deadlines must submit their reference requests by November 10, through the counselor.

Thank you for working in partnership with your child’s counselor at ISB to ensure a thorough process and smooth transition to boarding school. You can set up an appointment with your child’s counselor by contacting Khun Namwan (

A Note on Summer Program Applications
Some students may be applying for a Summer Program that requires recommendations from the school. Just as in the case of boarding school applications, it is important that teachers have a reasonable amount of time to do the best they can with these recommendations, which may include learning more about the student’s extra-curricular activities, in addition to ensuring a high quality piece of writing. 

Just as in the case of the other applications, please provide teachers, counselors and administration 4 weeks advance notice to prepare these recommendations. Rushing this work leads to rushed references which do not help a candidates application.


ISB Student Photo wins Australia Zoo Contest 

We are always so proud of our students and every now and then we are able to celebrate that their awesomeness is recognized outside of ISB. 

This time, we are excited to celebrate grade 7 student Wasu Vidayanakorn who entered a wildlife photo contest hosted by the Australia Zoo (made famous by Steve Irwin and family) for Crikey! Magazine.

Wasu’s photo (pictured here) won the Crikey! Kids competition.

Wasu has been passionate about wildlife photography for several years now as he and his family spend many weekends out in the wild. This photo was also chosen to be on display in the High School science quad hallways.

Congratulations to Wasu for having the courage to put his work out there for others to see and for this amazing recognition by experts in the field. Panther Proud!


Strengths Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) 

Dear MS Parent/Guardians,

At ISB we care deeply about the well-being of our students. To help us meet our mission to support them in leading healthy, active, and balanced lives, students in grades 7-8 will complete the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) during Advisory on October 18 (Grade 8) and October (Grade 7).

Why is the questionnaire being administered?
The purpose of this questionnaire is to:

  • Identify students who require immediate support
  • Identify students who are struggling with social/emotional/behavioral issues to provide appropriate early intervention/prevention support
  • Obtain an overview of the social/emotional/behavioral needs at our school to ensure that we are providing optimal support for our students

How and when will the questionnaire be administered?
The online questionnaire will be administered during your child’s Advisory and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey items are available for you to review here.

How will the results be used?

  • The data collected will be managed, analyzed, and reported by a team including the school counselors, school psychologists, and the Director of Student Services following the ISB Confidentiality Policy.
  • Individual student responses to the questionnaire are confidential. Any concerns raised through the survey administration process will be shared only with school personnel involved in supporting that student.
  • The questionnaire administration process has been designed to identify specific students who need additional support. The survey will be conducted electronically and students’ names will be captured along with their responses. ISB counselors will meet with any student whose responses indicate a need for follow up and parents will be notified.
  • School counselors, school psychologists, and administrators will analyze overall trends to help improve student support at ISB.
  • In completing this questionnaire, your child will have an opportunity to privately reflect on his/her current social-emotional health and wellness. Some parents may choose to use the questionnaire as an opportunity to create dialogue related to social-emotional wellbeing topics with their child after completing the survey.

Does my child have to complete the questionnaire?
No. As a parent or guardian, you can opt out of having your child complete this questionnaire. Students will be informed that they may choose to skip any questions that they do not feel comfortable answering.

Parents/Guardians who do not want their child to take the survey should let their child’s school counselor know by phone or in writing prior to the administration of the SDQ. ISB will assume parent/guardian consent to their child participating unless the school counselor has been notified. Parents do not have to do anything unless they do not want their child to participate.

Thank you so much for your support with this important project.

The ISB Counseling Team

Middle School Counselors:
Colleen Coady (
Kevin Nelson (

MS and HS School Psychologist:
Ryan Ruhl (

Director of Student Services:
Keith Collins (



Come watch the performances and see who takes the gold on October 18th from 3:00 – 4:00pm in the HS Dance Room, 8-204Cultural Center Building. All are welcome!!!


Annual Bangkok International Festival of Dance & Music 


Including free tickets to

“Cie Jukebox” w/ISB Dancers

Sunday, October 9th

As ISB is an official sponsor of the 24th Annual Bangkok International Festival of Dance & Music, ISB families have been offered a 25% discount off of any available tickets, for any remaining shows. Simply look through the list of performances HERE, then email the date and name of the show you wish to attend, and how many tickets you want to purchase to using the subject line: ISB Discount. You will receive a discount code via email specifically for you along with instructions

on how to purchase your tickets.


CIE JUKEBOX RESIDENCY @ ISB – October 3-9, 2022 


“FALL & RECOVER” ISB Dance Showcase 

“FALL & RECOVER” ISB Dance Showcase on Fri Oct 21

The ISB Dance Department presents the annual showcase, “FALL & RECOVER”. This collection of IB, HS, and MS dances explores the community efforts of bouncing back to reconnect together.

In addition to ISB class dances, the showcase features guest artist work by Patrice Leroy, Superorganism, about rebuilding together. Also, Dana Lawton Dances (DLD) from San Francisco will share a world premiere of Farallonites. DLD is inviting our ISB K12 dancers to join the company performance at Bangkok Arts & Cultural Center (BACC) downtown, as well.

General admission tickets (100 baht) go on sale at HS & MS lunches the week of October 17th for the showcase @ 3:30 on Oct. 21 in the CC Theater.For more information contact the Jaleea Price at


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