Intercultural Day 2022: “Hand in Hand”
Calling all parents of ALL CULTURES!
Intercultural Day is an elementary school event that celebrates the diversity and richness of our cultures. The event will be on the week of November 7-11 … and the planning begins now. For more information please click here.
Parents are needed to volunteer to set up classrooms and organize age-appropriate activities highlighting their culture in line with the theme of the year. Each room will be visited by students of the same grade level. The PTA coordinators are very happy to help you with ideas and putting your plan together. Generally, each room organizes a combination of fun activities with songs, dance, games, food, and stories that will delight your eager audience! We are excited to work together to make this a fun, enriching and successful event for the school community.
Here is the link to sign up Volunteer Signup
Email us at to secure your space or if you have any questions at all.