ISB Update 29th September 2022 – Masks Optional from Monday 3rd October

Dear ISB Community,

Please note that mask use on the ISB campus, including in classrooms, will be optional as of Monday 3rd October.

The Ministry of Public Health has recategorised COVID-19 from a “dangerous communicable disease” to  a “contagious disease” under the Communicable Disease Act, effective September 30, 2022. The Ministry of Education has adjusted its rules accordingly.

Completion of the ATK Form each Sunday will remain a requirement for campus entry until further notice.  Additionally, students and staff who test positive will still require a 5-day quarantine per Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations.

We welcome this news as it is important for both teachers and students to be able to see faces for learning and development reasons.

We ask that parents continue to be diligent in observing symptoms. If anyone is ill, or symptomatic, please keep your children at home.

If anyone has questions, please reach out to any of us below. 

All the best,


Andy Davies (Head of School)
Dhave Setabutr, M.D., (Director of Health Center)
Usa Somboon (Headmistress)
Mark Hevland (Director of Risk Management)
Debi Caskey (Deputy Head of School for Learning)
Marc de Vries (Deputy Head of School/CFO)
Justin Alexander (HS Principal)
Dennis Harter (MS Principal)
Michael Allen (ES Principal)
Rebecca Lau (Director of Admissions)

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