ES e-News for September 16, 2022

Moment of Silence Planned for Peace Day 2022

Due to COVID restrictions still in place for our student assemblies, ISB’s International Day of Peace event, originally scheduled for September 21st, 2022, has been moved to March 21st, 2023. This new date, chosen to coincide with the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Descrimination, not only assures a unified experience for our entire student body, but also allows the Global Initiatives Network student organizers a better opportunity to gather ISB stories that address this year’s UN Peace Day challenge, End Racism, Build Peace and highlight the March 21st theme, Voices for Action Against Racism. Look for more information soon about this student-led initiative and how you can share your own personal experiences about racism, and stories about others in our community who you have observed using their voices to fight against racism. In unity with Peace Day events held around the world, ISB will observe a moment of silence at 9:15am on September 21st to remember those who have suffered because of racism and given their lives fighting against racism.   

ES Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences: October 6 & 7 – ON CAMPUS

We look forward to sharing your child’s learning progress with you as part of the upcoming October 6 & 7 conferences on campus!  Pick-A-Time, our conference scheduler, will open on Tuesday, September 27 at 8:00 AM and will close Tuesday, October 4 at 2:00 PM.   For the directions on how to use Pick-A-Time, log into PowerSchool and click on the “Parent Conference” icon.  

As we purposefully calendar conferences well in advance, we ask all families to cooperate by attending conferences on these dates and avoid making any requests for a conference on an alternate date. Please contact ES Principal Michael Allen directly if you have a family emergency that conflicts with your scheduled appointment: 

From PK-Grade 5, the purposes for conferences are the following:

  • Communicate learning growth
  • Enhance home-school partnership
  • Provide ways to promote home learning
  • Build understanding around what learning looks like at ISB

In Grades 1-5, students are a very important part of the conferences and will also attend.  At ISB, we believe that children are in charge of their learning and we give them many opportunities to know that they are capable and that they can influence what happens to them. As we prepare for conferences, children work with teachers to assess their strengths and challenges, select work samples that illustrate their current levels of skill, ability and effort, and create an action plan for continued growth and improvement.  During conferences, teachers, students and parents discuss all aspects of the child’s learning together with openness and transparency so that students continue to feel empowered and responsible for their behavior and learning.

Should you wish to also speak with any of our ES counselors on conference days, please make an appointment in advance:

  • Nicole Tessmer (Pre-K1 and Pre-K2) <>
  • Kathryn Manu (Pre-K2, KG, Gr. 1 & 2) <>
  • Doug Williamson (Gr. 3, 4 & 5) <>

Principal’s Message

We would like to give a BIG shout out to all our Elementary students and families who participated in SPIRIT WEEK!  Our students showed their school spirit with their jerseys, Songkran shirts, pajamas, and black and gold day. We look forward to seeing families on campus this evening at Spirit Night! 

Thank you to our Thai parent community who were able to join us in the Chevron Theater yesterday morning. It was wonderful to see the parent partnership continue.

As you’ll see in this week’s eNews, conferences are October 6&7…sign ups open on September 27th at 8AM.  Save the date and sign up for a time that works best for you!  

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen 

 ISB Community Liaisons

The goal of our ISB Community Liaisons is to ensure that Chinese, Korean, and Japanese students and families have the support they need to be successful at ISB.  The Liaisons also provide an avenue of communication and support to provide clarity, and help our families understand ISB’s culture, processes, and expectations. If you might need support from one of our Community Liaisons, please reach out to them directly:

  • ISB Korea LIAISON <>
  • ISB Japanese LIAISON <>
  • ISB Chinese LIAISON <>

ES HUB Book Fair Returns!

PTA Room Parents Needed

Thank you to those who signed up to be room parents this year. We are still looking for a few more classrooms to be represented. See the ES PTA Room Parent Guidelines for details.  The following teachers need a room parent. If your child is in that class and you would like to assist, please email;

PK1: Stalnaker and Suwannakoot
PK2: Nelson, Vidayanakorn, and VanOosten
Kinder: Whitman 
Grade 1: McHale
Grade 2: Nagamine 
Grade 3: Marshall & Bugera, Macky 
Grade 4: Dawson, Crimi
Grade 5: Davis, Weible

Gr. 2-5 MAP Testing Results & Parent Session

September 2022 MAP testing results will be available on PowerSchool on Friday, September 23rd for students in Grades 2-5.  Please follow the steps below to access the MAP results:

  1. Log on to PowerSchool (shown below)
  2. Click on Grade and Attendance on the left side (as seen in gray highlighted)
  3. Copy password (label in red) to open MAP results

A NOTE ABOUT MAP: All parents will find their child’s mathematics and reading test results for the September 2022 Measures of Academic Progress assessment (MAP) on PowerSchool.  Within this PDF you will find very detailed information regarding our MAP assessments and explanations of the scores from the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA).  

Standardized tests like the MAP do not assess all of what it is that make each of our children special and unique. The people who create and score these tests do not know each child the way our ISB teachers do and certainly not the way you do. They do not know that your child fluently speaks two or more languages. They do not know that your child can play a musical instrument or that he/she can dance or paint. They do not know that your child writes poetry or songs, plays or participates in sports, wonders about the future, or that sometimes he/she takes care of a little brother or sister after school. They do not know that your child has traveled to fascinating places around the world or that he/she knows how to tell a great story or that he/she really loves spending time with special family members and friends. They do not know that your child acts with integrity and can be trustworthy, compassionate or thoughtful, and that he/she tries, every day, to his/her very best…the attached scores will tell you something, but do keep in mind that they will not tell you everything.

The ES Principals will host a “Parent Introduction to MAP” on Thursday, September 29 @ 745AM in the Chevron. Join us! 

ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Allergen Free.

Please join us at 2:00pm Saturday, September 24th in the CC Theater for the 2022 Bangkok International Strings Festival Gala Concert. Campus access requirements apply including a current ISB card, ID exchange for visitors, and a COVID declaration.

A live streaming link will be provided in next week’s eNews for those unable to attend the concert in person.

ISB Athletics Update:
Friday the 16th is SPIRIT NIGHT at ISB! Make sure to come to campus on Friday the 16th to be part of the fun! Wear black and gold to show off your Panther Pride as you come to cheer on our Varsity Soccer & Volleyball players. Come hungry as we will have food trucks and boosters available for food & drinks!  Link to schedule

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