DELVE Registration Continues

Peter Assimakopoulos

What is DELVE

The Discover Explore Learn Volunteer Enrich DELVE program is designed to give students the experiences that will inspire them to become caring global citizens.  Students will engage in sustainable service and/or gain awareness of issues that transcend borders. They will develop an understanding of issues of poverty, indigenous peoples, and environmental degradation and preservation while simultaneously helping people. Students will often plan and work as teams, strengthening their teamwork for a common goal of the greater good.  

Our DELVE programme runs from December 12th – 16th, 2022, with some trips leaving as early as Saturday, December 10th. 

DELVE & COVID Regulations – Important Safety Requirement
For safety reasons on overnight trips outside of Bangkok, please note that parents could be required to pick up their children if they test positive for COVID. We understand that this may be an obstacle for parents to permit their child to attend an overnight trip. 

A registration form with the course selections will be emailed directly to students on the dates listed below. 

  • September 14 Grade 12 Registration Opens
  • September 19 Grade 11 Registration Opens 
  • September 22 Grade 10 Registration Opens
  • September 26 Grade 9 Registration Opens

Students will be asked to place four trips of equal weight on the form. The selection order will have no value or weight, and students can be placed in any of their four choices. To help with their selection, we will initially look at the first-choice option when placing students. If the course is full, we will move on to the second, and so forth. 

 All our trips have a limited number of spaces for each grade level. Some trips can be quite popular and fill up quickly. Therefore, students must select a variety of trips they are interested in. Students that duplicate their selection by choosing the same trip are placing themselves at a disadvantage. By not providing a second, third and fourth choice to choose from, the student will be placed where spots are available after placing their entire grade level first.

 All trips have an allocated number of seats for each grade level. Therefore, a trip cannot be filled by one grade level.

 It is essential that during this time and before your child registers for DELVE, you have conversations with them that clearly limit the cost of trips you are willing to pay.


Registration Guidelines

  • Students may not select a course they have already participated in during previous years.
  • Students are not assigned to courses “to be with their friends”. 
  • Students must submit the parent permission form to their DELVE sponsor by the deadline.  
  • Payments must be made directly at the Cashier or online. Instructions on how to pay online will be communicated directly to the parents.
  • The number of participants in a course determines the final cost; hence final costs may be adjusted once sign-ups are known.  As such, once a student is assigned, a student should not change courses. Payments are non-refundable to cover costs for the original course; all new costs associated with a new course must be paid in full. 

For any questions, please email Mr Assimakopoulos directly at:

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