
Justin Alexander

Dear HS Parents,

I hope that you are all well and getting ready for tonight’s Spirit Night where our Varsity Volleyball and Soccer teams will be competing against other Bangkok and Thailand international schools in a fun tournament. There will be food trucks and games to watch so please come along. 

Volleyball – begins at 15:00 in Rajendra 
Soccer – begins at 15:30 on Field A 
Cross country – 3km Time Trial begins at 17:00

Thank you to our parents who joined us on Wednesday night at our Open House and followed their children’s schedule on the night in order to meet their teachers and learn about the great learning opportunities at ISB.  


HS PTA meeting

We will be hosting our first HS PTA meeting of the year on Friday, September 23rd from 9 am – 10.15 am in the MPB (Multi-Purpose Building – 2nd floor). Agenda items will include a welcome from our two new PTA reps (Afshan Asad Junaid and Apiphawadee Snidvongs (Tik), DELVE, Athletics (including IASAS), Activities (including MUN), a short presentation from our school counselors on student support, an Advisory presentation, and a list of upcoming HS parents events. In order to attend the PTA meeting, we ask that parents please REGISTER HERE so parents can register and also leave any questions that they have in advance of the meeting.


Student Parent Teacher Conferences

Parents will have an opportunity to meet with teachers at the Student Parent Teacher conferences which take place at the HS on Thursday, September 29th, and Friday, September 30th on campus. Parents will be able to sign up for a 2-hour slot on one of those days in order to meet with teachers to learn about the progress and areas of growth of their children. Students are required to attend as well. We will send out details regarding the sign-up procedure on Tuesday, so please keep a close look out for that email so that you can sign up and secure your slot. 


Upcoming meetings / Improved communication with HS Parents

You will have already noticed that there have been quite a few informational and welcome meetings for HS parents at the start of the school year and it has been great to see so many of you coming and joining us. We have many more informational meetings and HS PTA meetings (four) lined up for the year ahead and we look forward to sharing the right information at the right time and being available for questions from parents at any time. 

Some highlights of these changes include:

  • A contact list (names and email addresses) of who parents can contact if they have a question (see next article in the Enews).
  • A link to an HS Question form in each Enews edition – where parents can list any questions that they might have for the HS admin team to answer or to redirect to the right person. 
  • Pre-registration for HS Parent meetings where parents can also list any questions that they would like addressed in the meeting
  • QR codes are available at each meeting to scan so that attendees can ask questions in real-time to be answered at the meeting (if they feel uncomfortable raising their hand or asking out loud).
  • Copies of the presentations of parent meetings shared electronically so that parents that could not attend can still see the relevant information shared. 
  • Regular meetings with our HS PTA reps in order to hear of any hot topics or areas of interest that parents might have. 
  • Sending out a full list of the HS parent meeting for the year ahead for parents to print and keep in a prominent place. (The full list of parent meetings is being finalized this week and will be ready for distribution next week)

With the increased number of parent information meetings, PTA meetings, and new mechanisms for collecting questions/concerns from parents, we no longer need to run the twice-yearly Principals Forum sessions. We believe that with the new measures listed above we will be able to respond to questions in a more timely and effective manner, be able to let parents know when certain information will be shared, and provide parents with a variety of different options to raise questions at any time of the year. 

Thank you again for your support and attendance at our Parent meetings already this year, it has been great to see so many of you on campus. 

Have a great weekend and see you at Spirit Night

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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