Welcoming Party for ISB Thai Parents -15th Sept

Thursday, September 15th
Chevron Theatre

Welcoming Party for ISB Thai Parents in Academic Year 2022/2023

Dear Thai Parents,
The Thai Community 2022-2024 team would like to cordially invite you to the Welcoming Party for Thai Parents of ISB students in Academic Year 2022/2023.

ISB believes open communication and interaction between parents and teachers is essential in order to set students on the path to success. The purpose of the party is to introduce an opportunity for current and new Thai parents to meet, discuss and share their experiences about the school.

Agenda of the party:

07:50   Chevron Theatre opens for the participants of the party
08:00   Introduction of School Principals
08:10   Ajarn Usa Somboon gives the opening remarks
08:15   Dr. Andrew Davies (Head of School) gives useful school’s information
08:25   Q & A
08:35   Getting to know the parents and meeting with the Thai grade representatives

After this, Thai Community Team 2022-2024 would like to invite you to join coffee break snacks session. We’re looking forward to meeting with you.

Please click here for Thai version.
Please click here for English version.

Thai Community 2022-2024

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