Bangkok Internatinal Band Festival 2022 -9th-10th Sep

9th-10 September
2pm, Chevron Theater

Gala Concert Now Open to the ISB Community

We would like to share the good news that, now, the BIBF gala concert is open to the public, although the seating is limited (free admission, no tickets/booking required). Now, each student can bring more than 2 guests, if they want to (thank you to those of you who submitted the form before the change). Also, below is some information about the concert:

  • Audience members will be required to enter and exit the theater through the foyer/front doors of the Chevron Theater
  • Audience members will wear masks at all times while in the theater

Gala Concert Live Broadcasting

If you are not able to attend the concert in person, we have a live stream for the concert with the link below.

We hope many of you are able to watch the concert, as we will have a huge band with over 270 students on stage!

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