High School Girls Soccer vs NIST

Kelley McKenna


The ISB girls varsity soccer team traveled to NIST on Monday night and returned with a 5-2 victory. Despite playing well in the first third of the game, ISB found themselves 2-0 down and with a mountain to climb. However, positive thinking and refusing to accept defeat helped motivate ISB to step it up for the rest of the game. Meredith started the comeback with a 25-yard screamer before Melanie bundled home a corner to draw ISB level. Ema became the youngest ISB player and scorer when she slammed a low shot into the corner. By this stage, ISB were dominant, and Clara capped her debut and MVP performance with a lung-bursting run and finish. Houda then scored a powerful header to finish the game and a strong performance from ISB. The coaches and players were very impressed with our first game and optimism for the season ahead.

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