News from High School Counselors

Shannon Lioni

It has been a wonderful start to the new school year! We’re so happy to be back on campus, and to see students engaging in their learning, signing up for clubs and sports, and generally getting involved in the ISB community. 

This week, the counselors have teamed up with the Grade 12 advisories to present a very relevant topic, time management. We focus on issues such as procrastination, self-management, creating a schedule, and how prioritizing responsibilities is a key part of being a successful student in Grade 12. We advise students to direct themselves away from leaving assignments to the last minute, as we know that procrastination often leads to anxiety, decreased sleep, poorer quality of work, and an overall sense of disappointment. These tips are relevant to all grades, not just Grade 12 students.

One hot topic was the challenge students have in creating and sticking to a schedule for themselves, and we have a few tips for how parents can support their children with this.

  • Develop a weekly schedule. Pay attention to commitments, and schedule some free time in order to balance school/personal time. 
  • Figure out which method works best.If digital methods work better for students, we’d recommend Google calendar, as many assessments and deadlines are linked to the ISB assessment calendar that students can access. Students can also use their student planners to plot out their days and week ahead. 
  • Have a long-term plan. Use a monthly calendar and look ahead about 4 weeks. This can ease procrastination, as students will better prepare for upcoming projects and deadlines. 

Counselors often meet with students to assist them in finding which methods work best for them, and we are also happy to discuss options with parents as well.

Thank you,

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