IB Matters for Grade 11  Parents  ‘Welcome to the IB’

Justyna McMillan

IB Matters for Gr11 ‘Welcome to the IB’ – September 13th at 10:00 (change of start time)

This  meeting is aimed at current Gr11 parents of students who have just begun their 2 year IB journey. We will provide an overview of the program, including focus on IB assessment, academic honesty, and your role as a parent of an IB student.  

Further details and agendas will be published closer to the date. Later on this semester, we will hold an ‘IB Basics’ meeting, an Advanced Placement Program (AP) meeting, as well as other meetings focused on academics, pathways and student life in the HS.  Watch this space for further details.

Finalised Agenda and Sign-up RSVP will be sent out on Monday 5th

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