MS Open House Thursday, September 8th

This coming week ISB hosts MS Open House on the evening of September 8th, 6:00 PM to 8:45 PM. The event provides parents an opportunity to meet their child’s teachers, hear about the learning program, and see the learning spaces their child spends their time in.

Parents should arrive around 5:45 PM to sign in and collect their personalized schedule(s) for the night. We will start with a welcome and technology presentation in the Chevron Theater at 6:00 PM for all parents. Then parents will follow a timed schedule with 10 minute “classes” of Advisory and each of the 8 class periods. There will be 5 minutes to move between classrooms.

It is important to note that while MS Open House provides a time to meet your child’s teachers, there is not time to discuss individual students. Parents may set up an appointment if this is needed.

Please leave children at home
Also, please note that rooms will be tight with multiple parents per family often in the rooms. Students and children should NOT come to this event unless they are serving as a translator for parents. In the event that parents have no other option than to bring children, we will have a classroom supervised by HS IHS students where students must remain during the entire evening. Playgrounds, gyms, and fields are NOT open for children during this evening.

Food and refreshments will be made available for parents outside the MS Office and Library, but this has not been set up to provide meals for children.

Please note the following:

  • Masks will need to worn in all indoor spaces (theater, classrooms, etc.)
  • For the opening session in the Chevron (20 minutes), we will seat parents using all of the seats, without spacing deliberately between seats. If parents do not wish to attend this session, they may wait until the class schedule starts up at 6:30 PM.
  • Classrooms may be crowded with multiple parents per child in attendance. Please expect some tight classes, depending on how many show up.
  • Parents will need to use stairs to navigate between classrooms.
  • To ensure the evening goes smoothly and teachers have their full 10 minutes, we will be keeping a tight eye on the time and announcing the starts and finishes to class periods.
  • Teachers will not have the time to talk about individual students.
  • Nearly all the meeting spaces on the evening will be in the Middle School area or nearby MPB. Only the Invention Center and Chevron will be used beyond this.

We look forward to seeing parents on campus on September 8th!

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