Welcome to our PreK Atelierista!

ISB is working hard to enhance the Arts Education program in the PreK this year!  Now that the PreK program has grown to seven sections of 3 & 4 year olds, we have added a new PreK position called an “Atelierista”.  An Atelierista is a PreK leader in the Reggio Emilia approach and arts specialist who integrates the expressive languages (music, dance, visual art, and drama) into the PreK program; Ms. Sarah Bailey will be overseeing the arts program in collaboration with the PreK homeroom teachers. The atelierista’s main role is in guiding the artistic and musical exploration of children; however, they do not teach art and music in isolation.  Much like literacy and math, music, drama, dance, and art learning and exploration are an ongoing and continuous part of our PreK program every day!

During our Open House session on September 6, our new PreK Atelierista, Ms. Sarah Bailey, along with the PreK team including our new Vice Principal: Early Childhood Specialist, Honey Tondre, will share more details about how the PreK Arts program is expanding to include all areas of the Arts. In addition, please see the section from our ES Student Parent Handbook (pages 22/23) so you can learn more about the PreK learning outcomes that Ms. Bailey along with the PreK homeroom teachers will be focused on as we meet the needs of our PreK students.

Welcome to Ms. Sarah Bailey!

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