MS Students and their ID Cards

As you child will have seen, ID cards are an important part of a MS student’s school day. The ID cards provide campus access, open lockers, allow for library check-out and printing, and buying food and supplies.

We continue to encourage students to develop a “system” at home for remembering their ID each day and most do. Of course, on occasion, we know that sometimes students forget or misplace their ID, sometimes realizing this when they arrive to school and cannot pass through the turnstiles. 

Entering Campus without their ID
Each morning we are out in front of the main entrance to campus to help students who don’t have their IDs. Many times they leave them at home somewhere – not lost, but not with them at school.

We can check that self-declaration forms have been completed and provide campus access for that student. If a student normally enters through a different gate, please ask them to come to the front gate if they don’t have their ID card, so that we can help them.

Lost IDs
If your child has misplaced their ID and does not know where it is, they should come to campus (see above), stop by the MS Office, and we can help them. Often we find that someone has turned it in and we are able to return it.

Alternatively, if the ID is not found and/or the student repeatedly needs help accessing campus without their ID, then we ask the student to have a new ID card made (all money access transfers to the new card). Replacing an ID card comes with a charge to the family’s account. New ID cards can be requested and made in seconds at the table set up in Chevron theater foyer. (this may move at some stage, but currently it is located there).

What about lockers?

Students without an ID will need to ask for help from our MS Office team to access their lockers when they don’t have their ID card. Secretaries are stationed in the quads before school to help with this. Again, if a students is repeatedly needing help with this, we eventually ask them to get a new ID card.

When a student gets a “new” ID card, they should bring this to the MS Office to get coded to open their locker. This needs to be done manually with each new ID (and the old ID will no longer work).

We know that Middle School is a time when young people are developing their executive functioning skills to stay organized and self-managing. Your support at home along with our mechanisms at school can be supportive of this growth. Thank you for supporting your child in building systems for remembering key items they need for school.


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