The Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS) is a non-profit international organization that provides students with an opportunity to develop and improve their musicianship. It is an organization that demands excellence in music and challenges the students to work together, collaborate, and to strive for the best. Students that wish to audition submit recordings of themselves to a panel of judges – the judges then select the most advanced musicians for each instrument to form one prestigious honor band.  The judges do not know where the students come from, what school they are currently enrolled in, or the name of the student. Last year, ISB was proud to have a total of 30 students accepted into the AMIS International Honor Band Festival as participants or alternates. 



Ahn, Jeein 8
Aphichatabut, Thanaphat (Pepper) 8
Chalermthiralert, Sirinda (Pammy) 7
Chinsupakul, Aruth (Art) 8
Chulajata, Siracha (Aiko) 8
Eide-Scott, Leo 8
Gyimesi, Mark 8
Karuhadej, Varis (Dean) 8
Kulmanochwong, Chinnapong (Tim) 8
Loo, Le Fan (LeLe) 7
Luangon, Warisara (Ann) 8
McRobbie, James R. 8
Muangsiri, Keene 8
Oh, Davin 7
Ratana-ungkool, Jinpavee (Putter) 8
Reed, Sean McQuillon 8
Richter, Lukas N. 8
Speirs, Ethan D. 8
Takagi, Shino 8
Tangkaravakoon, Yanin (Proud) 7
Thakral, Aryan 8
Thamakaison, Sithichok (Deeno) 8
Triwatana, Anaphat (Pann) 8
Udagawa, Emina 8
Vitayatanagorn, Daniel 8



Hong, Ian 7
Kasemtanakul, Alin 7
Luangon, Piyatida (Nan) 7
Saikuar, Napok (Chan) 8
Tiewtranon, Nina 7


The students that are accepted into AMIS must learn a plethora of difficult music prior to the festival and upon arrival at the festival, they are required to rehearse with a guest conductor and collaborate with the top musicians from other AMIS member schools. These festivals require great dedication and focus from our students. The festivals are designed to further educate our students in global issues and cultural diversity through performance and the study of music. It is truly a great educational experience for the students and ISB is proud to be a member school of AMIS. Unfortunately due to travel restrictions, the festival that was to be held in South Korea was cancelled.  Fortunately, the festival for this current school year will be held in Bombay, India!  Students have already started preparing for the audition process.  Go ISB!

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