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MS Open House on September 8th

As mentioned last week, ISB will be hosting MS Open House on the evening of September 8th, 6:00 PM to 8:45 PM. The event provides parents an opportunity to meet their child’s teachers, hear about the learning program, and see the learning spaces their child spends their time in.

Parents should arrive around 5:45 PM to sign in and collect their personalized schedule(s) for the night. We will start with a welcome and technology presentation in the Chevron Theater at 6:00 PM for all parents. Then parents will follow a timed schedule with 10 minute “classes” of Advisory and each of the 8 class periods. There will be 5 minutes to move between classrooms.

It is important to note that while MS Open House provides a time to meet your child’s teachers, there is not time to discuss individual students. Parents may set up an appointment if this is needed.

Some food and refreshments will be made available for parents outside the MS Office and Library.

Please note the following:

  • Masks will need to worn in all indoor spaces (theater, classrooms, etc.)
  • For the opening session in the Chevron (20 minutes), we will seat parents using all of the seats, without spacing deliberately between seats. If parents do not wish to attend this session, they may wait until the class schedule starts up at 6:30 PM.
  • Classrooms may be crowded with multiple parents per child in attendance. Please expect some tight classes, depending on how many show up.
  • To ensure the evening goes smoothly and teachers have their full 10 minutes, we will be keeping a tight eye on the time and announcing the starts and finishes to class periods.
  • Teachers will not have the time to talk about individual students.

We look forward to seeing parents on campus on September 8th!


Managing Student Laptops at Home 

This week we hosted an online webinar for grade 6 parents ahead of the student laptops being sent home next week. This session, run by MS Tech Coach and Grade 6 Team Leader, Mr. Wes Przybylski, shared how we are training students at school and what we encourage parents to do at home to set boundaries, manage screen time, and maintain important balance. 

Recently, students have brought home a questionnaire that we ask them to go through with parents so that home expectations are clear. This helps avoid conflict down the road.

After hosting the webinar, we recognized that some of the talking points would be helpful to parents in other grades as well. As such, we are sharing the recording of the session with all MS parents. While some parts focus on our grade 6 students, much of the presentation can be helpful to parents in other grades as well.

The presentation is about 55 minutes long and includes some Q&A as well.

To watch the webinar, please click here.

If after watching the webinar, you are interested in setting up parental controls on the laptop (please watch to hear how labor intensive this is to monitor), please contact Ed Tech at

If you need help accessing the Parent Portal / PowerSchool, please contact Khun Arintra at


Article From Common Sense Media

In light of this week’s focus on laptops, we would like to share with you an article from common sense media. Common Sense Media is the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families.

Back-to-School Reset: 4 Tips on Managing Devices and Screen Time for Families

Ease the transition back to the classroom with these tips and resources.

Browse other articles from Common Sense Media. 


MS Students and their ID Cards 

As you child will have seen, ID cards are an important part of a MS student’s school day. The ID cards provide campus access, open lockers, allow for library check-out and printing, and buying food and supplies.

We continue to encourage students to develop a “system” at home for remembering their ID each day and most do. Of course, on occasion, we know that sometimes students forget or misplace their ID, sometimes realizing this when they arrive to school and cannot pass through the turnstiles. 

Entering Campus without their ID
Each morning we are out in front of the main entrance to campus to help students who don’t have their IDs. Many times they leave them at home somewhere – not lost, but not with them at school.

We can check that self-declaration forms have been completed and provide campus access for that student. If a student normally enters through a different gate, please ask them to come to the front gate if they don’t have their ID card, so that we can help them.

Lost IDs
If your child has misplaced their ID and does not know where it is, they should come to campus (see above), stop by the MS Office, and we can help them. Often we find that someone has turned it in and we are able to return it.

Alternatively, if the ID is not found and/or the student repeatedly needs help accessing campus without their ID, then we ask the student to have a new ID card made (all money access transfers to the new card). Replacing an ID card comes with a charge to the family’s account. New ID cards can be requested and made in seconds at the table set up in Chevron theater foyer. (this may move at some stage, but currently it is located there).

What about lockers?

Students without an ID will need to ask for help from our MS Office team to access their lockers when they don’t have their ID card. Secretaries are stationed in the quads before school to help with this. Again, if a students is repeatedly needing help with this, we eventually ask them to get a new ID card.

When a student gets a “new” ID card, they should bring this to the MS Office to get coded to open their locker. This needs to be done manually with each new ID (and the old ID will no longer work).

We know that Middle School is a time when young people are developing their executive functioning skills to stay organized and self-managing. Your support at home along with our mechanisms at school can be supportive of this growth. Thank you for supporting your child in building systems for remembering key items they need for school.



The Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS) is a non-profit international organization that provides students with an opportunity to develop and improve their musicianship. It is an organization that demands excellence in music and challenges the students to work together, collaborate, and to strive for the best. Students that wish to audition submit recordings of themselves to a panel of judges – the judges then select the most advanced musicians for each instrument to form one prestigious honor band.  The judges do not know where the students come from, what school they are currently enrolled in, or the name of the student. Last year, ISB was proud to have a total of 30 students accepted into the AMIS International Honor Band Festival as participants or alternates. 



Ahn, Jeein 8
Aphichatabut, Thanaphat (Pepper) 8
Chalermthiralert, Sirinda (Pammy) 7
Chinsupakul, Aruth (Art) 8
Chulajata, Siracha (Aiko) 8
Eide-Scott, Leo 8
Gyimesi, Mark 8
Karuhadej, Varis (Dean) 8
Kulmanochwong, Chinnapong (Tim) 8
Loo, Le Fan (LeLe) 7
Luangon, Warisara (Ann) 8
McRobbie, James R. 8
Muangsiri, Keene 8
Oh, Davin 7
Ratana-ungkool, Jinpavee (Putter) 8
Reed, Sean McQuillon 8
Richter, Lukas N. 8
Speirs, Ethan D. 8
Takagi, Shino 8
Tangkaravakoon, Yanin (Proud) 7
Thakral, Aryan 8
Thamakaison, Sithichok (Deeno) 8
Triwatana, Anaphat (Pann) 8
Udagawa, Emina 8
Vitayatanagorn, Daniel 8



Hong, Ian 7
Kasemtanakul, Alin 7
Luangon, Piyatida (Nan) 7
Saikuar, Napok (Chan) 8
Tiewtranon, Nina 7


The students that are accepted into AMIS must learn a plethora of difficult music prior to the festival and upon arrival at the festival, they are required to rehearse with a guest conductor and collaborate with the top musicians from other AMIS member schools. These festivals require great dedication and focus from our students. The festivals are designed to further educate our students in global issues and cultural diversity through performance and the study of music. It is truly a great educational experience for the students and ISB is proud to be a member school of AMIS. Unfortunately due to travel restrictions, the festival that was to be held in South Korea was cancelled.  Fortunately, the festival for this current school year will be held in Bombay, India!  Students have already started preparing for the audition process.  Go ISB!


ISB Korean Parents Community (ISB KPC) 

We would like to welcome our new Korean families and introduce all Korean families to ISB KPC (Korean Parents Community).

ISB KPC is a Korean volunteer group within the ISB that supports children’s happy school life, helps parents bond and exchange information, and supports the smooth adjustment of new families. New families as well as returning families who want to join, have questions or need help please contact us by filling in the ISB KPC Form.


MS Athletics News 

ISB Athletics Update:

U12 & U14 Season 1 sports begin on Tuesday, August 23rd. Please make sure that you have registered your child for season 1 on PowerSchool using our new CCA registration system. Tryout information is below:

If you have any questions related to U12 & U14 Athletics, please feel free to contact Khun Apple ( and Kelley McKenna (


Panther Run:


The Panther Den: Home to Arts, Activities & now…Alumni 

Yes, it’s true. Harold Albert, ISB’s own Alumni Coordinator, is now headquartered in the Panther Den. Come by to say hi to ‘The Legend’ and check out his new digs, or stop in to share an alumni story or connection. Chances are, if you know a student who attended ISB anytime over the past forty years, Harold will remember them, and they will certainly remember Harold. Once a Panther, always a Panther!


Welcome Back Panthers 

Want to learn how to convert a photo into a laser engraving? Come to the Invention Center on Saturday, August 27th  from 10am-12pm and learn how to use our laser cutting machines to engrave a photo into wood. This project is free and open to any middle or high school students, or ISB parents. This is a great skill to learn and engravings can make great gifts. Contact Travis Dynes at to sign up. We will have time and space for the first 10 participants that sign up. A reminder that the Invention Center is open to students and parents every day after school until 6pm and on Saturdays from 8am-2pm (elementary students need to have a parent present).


Girl Powered G8&9 Robotics 

Always wanted to try robotics? Thinking about finding out more about STEAM in your future? In G8 or 9? Then this is the event for you. We are looking to form a Girl Powered VEX Robotics team from G8&9 this year and are holding this event to find some interested members.

When: Saturday 3rd September 12pm – 4pm

Fill in this form to reserve your spot

We will be starting in the invention center at 12pm and building your first ever VEX robot in small teams. We will then move up to the MPB for a mini competition where we will invite your families to come and watch. The cost of the event is 300THB and will include the cost of snacks, all the supplies and some special gifts for you all. Spaces are limited to 25 participants and will be given on a first come first served basis.

More information will follow after sign-ups. Contact Sarah Steward with any questions. 

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