Message from the Principal

Justin Alexander

Dear parents,

We enjoyed our second full week of school with our students settling into their work and getting back into the rhythm of school. We held a successful club fair on Tuesday and Thursday where student leaders manned their club’s booth and welcomed new members to their respective clubs. Most of our clubs have a service focus and we are very much looking forward to being more active in our service clubs this school year. 

Athletes in our Season 1 Varsity and JV teams continued dodging rainstorms after school but were still able to continue with their practice sessions and tryouts. We are all looking forward to the first round of games taking place next week for a number of our teams. 

Mark your calendars for the upcoming HS Open House on Wednesday, September 14th at 6 pm. We will be sharing more information in next week’s Enews about how you can come along and meet the teachers, and learn about the curriculum and the expectations of each class. 

Have a great weekend and see you at the Panther Run (7am on Saturday morning).

Justin Alexander
High School Principal

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