ES e-News for August 26, 2022

KG-Grade 5 Open House – Sept 1 @ 6:00pm

KG-Grade 5 Open House 2022 is on Thursday, September 1st.  This is a wonderful night to meet your child’s teachers, understand classroom procedures and expectations, and learn more about the learning your child will experience at ISB this year. Please keep in mind that this evening is for parents only and there will be no child care provided. Teachers will share a detailed grade specific agenda aligned with the Open House schedule below.  Note that PreK Open House will be September 6 @ 6PM.

DATE CHANGE: PreK Open House – Tuesday, Sept. 6

Prek Open House is on Tuesday, Sept 6 @ 6PM.  With our PreK program growth, we now have 60 students with ES siblings at ISB! To ensure all families are able to connect with their child’s teachers, understand classroom procedures and expectations, and learn more about the learning your child will experience at ISB this year, our PreK will have a dedicated Open House on Tuesday September 6th in the Chevron Theater to launch our home-school partnership for the year.  During Open House, parents will learn all about our Reggio-inspired PreK program and hear exciting updates about how we are integrating ‘expressive languages’ in classrooms and our shared Piazza this year. This will be an event for parents only and there will not be child care provided.  We hope you will join us!

Welcome to our PreK Atelierista!

ISB is working hard to enhance the Arts Education program in the PreK this year!  Now that the PreK program has grown to seven sections of 3 & 4 year olds, we have added a new PreK position called an “Atelierista”.  An Atelierista is a PreK leader in the Reggio Emilia approach and arts specialist who integrates the expressive languages (music, dance, visual art, and drama) into the PreK program; Ms. Sarah Bailey will be overseeing the arts program in collaboration with the PreK homeroom teachers. The atelierista’s main role is in guiding the artistic and musical exploration of children; however, they do not teach art and music in isolation.  Much like literacy and math, music, drama, dance, and art learning and exploration are an ongoing and continuous part of our PreK program every day!

During our Open House session on September 6, our new PreK Atelierista, Ms. Sarah Bailey, along with the PreK team including our new Vice Principal: Early Childhood Specialist, Honey Tondre, will share more details about how the PreK Arts program is expanding to include all areas of the Arts. In addition, please see the section from our ES Student Parent Handbook (pages 22/23) so you can learn more about the PreK learning outcomes that Ms. Bailey along with the PreK homeroom teachers will be focused on as we meet the needs of our PreK students.

Welcome to Ms. Sarah Bailey! 

Principal’s Message

A highlight of the second week of school was coming together as a PreK-Grade 5 community in Rajendra Hall to celebrate the start of the new school year with our Welcome Assembly!  During today’s celebration we welcomed the newest members of our community including new students, instructional assistants and faculty members. The students sang the community song “Don’t Hide Your Magic” which they’ve been learning in Music classes in preparation for Peace Day celebrations.  Students, teachers, counselors, custodians, and principals acted out “The Enormous Turnip” with song and narration provided by professional storytellers Mr. & Mrs. Whitman (our own librarian and KG teacher)…be sure to ask your child all about it and what they learned about being a helpful member of the ISB community.  Together we can do great things! 

Your partner in education,
Michael Allen

Early Dismissal – Wednesday August 31 

All ISB students will be dismissed at 1:10pm on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. On Early Dismissal Days, school buses will leave ISB at 1:25pm.  Early Dismissal Days allow faculty to collaborate and further their professional development.

ES ‘Out of Uniform’ Days – September 1 & 2

Sept 1 & 2 are ‘Out of Uniform’ days in the Elementary School.  On PE days, students need to wear their PE uniforms.  On their non PE day, students may choose to not wear their ISB uniform.  Appropriate dress guidelines for our ‘Out of Uniform’ days are: 

  • Pants/slacks/shorts—good condition
  • Shirts/blouses—sleeves & midriff required, appropriate logos only
  • Skirts/dresses/jumpers—sleeves required, modest length
  • Shoes—sneakers, street shoes or leather sandals with back strap
  • Hats must be worn all the time when playing outside during recess or during PE classes.

Upcoming Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment

In the coming weeks, learners in grades 3-8 will be taking the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) test.  MAP testing is done on a computer and each test adapts to the student’s previous answers, so if they answer a question correctly, the test gets progressively more challenging.  If a student answers a question incorrectly, the test adapts to become easier. 

MAP is a standardized test and is only one part of ISB’s overall assessment plan.  MAP testing is given twice a year, in the fall and in the spring.  MAP provides a standardized measure of student growth in Reading and Mathematics based on our content standards.  A true picture of a child’s academic progress must include a variety of opportunities to demonstrate learning such as ongoing formative assessments given regularly in class; evidence of understanding such as writing samples, projects, and presentations; and teacher designed assessments.  Teachers collect a range of learning data to help them determine where students are in their learning and where they are ready to go next.  MAP is a single piece of your child’s learning picture. 

MAP measures your child’s achievement level compared to other students who have taken this test.  However, the student sample is drawn from US public and private schools, not international schools.  The test does not cover all academic skills, nor does it cover such areas as physical, artistic, or interpersonal skills. 

As with any standardized assessment, students can become anxious about how they will perform.  You can support your child by ensuring that s/he gets a good night’s sleep, has a healthy breakfast, and comes to school knowing that this is important, and they can do it! 

If you have any questions, you can look at the NWEA website or contact me ( 

Results will be shared with parents and an informational meeting scheduled after the testing is completed.

Your partner in learning,
Debi Caskey
Deputy Head of School for Learning

Grade 5: Please Bring in Your Recorders! 

We will be playing recorders in music class this year, and all returning grade 5 students should have a recorder at home that they used during virtual school. Please bring them to your music classroom as soon as possible! If you are new to ISB, or you have misplaced your recorder, you can purchase one at the ISB Bookstore for 155 THB. If you choose to purchase one elsewhere please ensure that it is a Baroque style recorder, not German style. 

Technology Acceptable Use Agreements

We have added technology acceptable use agreements for all ES students and parents to read and sign on Powerschool. This is important as it clarifies expectations for students to use technology at ISB. We are asking all parents to digitally sign (students in grades 2 and up, will co-sign) these and read and discuss them with your child to ensure they understand agreements. To do this, login to Powerschool and click on “Technology Agreements”, click Yes, and then submit. If you have any questions or points of clarification, you can email me at 

Please complete by Friday, Sept 2nd.

Thank You – Parent Engage Session

Thank you to the 100+ ES parents who were able to join us for yesterday’s ES August Parent Engage session. It was our pleasure to introduce you to our two new ES vice principals, Ms. Honey Tondre and Ms. Farah Thaxton as well as share more about our approach as a “partnership” school.  Your feedback about the work happening in the ES aligned to the ISB Strategic Learning Plan (found here: will help guide our future Parent Engage sessions.  


ISB Korean Parents Community (ISB KPC)

We would like to welcome our new Korean family and introduce all Korean families to ISB KPC (Korean Parents Community).

ISB KPC is a Korean volunteer group within the ISB that supports children’s happy school life, helps parents bond and exchange information, and supports the smooth adjustment of new families. New families as well as returning families who want to join, have questions or need help please contact us by filling in the ISB KPC Form.

ID Application Form

ISB is currently accepting ISB ID card applications for family members, nannies, drivers, etc. Access to campus is still not permitted but will be allowed in the near future

Families may apply for a new ISB ID card for new members and/or renewal to a current ID card.

Once the application is approved new applicants will need to have their photo taken by our security team in the Chevron Foyer.

Due to a large number of applications, please allow 5 business days prior to picking up the cards.

For renewals, the cards will automatically be activated within 5 business days.

More details are available on the application form.
Link to application 

By: Mark Hevland
Director of Risk Management
+66 99-391-0932



ES Cafeteria Menu

Please find the ES Cafeteria menu for next week linked here, and here is the menu for Allergen Free.

The Panther Den: Home to Arts, Activities & now…Alumni 
Yes, it’s true. Harold Albert, ISB’s own Alumni Coordinator, is now headquartered in the Panther Den. Come by to say hi to ‘The Legend’ and check out his new digs, or stop in to share an alumni story or connection. Chances are, if you know a student who attended ISB anytime over the past forty years, Harold will remember them, and they will certainly remember Harold. Once a Panther, always a Panther! 

Panther Activities, Panther Athletics and U11 Athletics programs

Dear ES Parents/Guardians, 

Next week our Panther Activities, Panther Athletics and U11 Athletics programs will begin and we want to make sure you have the information you need to feel confident about how your child will get to and from their after-school activities. 

This year we will be using the ES Cafeteria as our After School Activities/Athletics Hub. This means that this will be our main meeting point and pick up point for our activities/athletics coordinators and bus monitors. We will have Panther Athletics/Activities staff in the cafeteria from 2:30-4:00pm Monday-Friday to be available to help students.

After School Activities/Athletics Procedures:

If your child is in pre-K and has an after-school activity that begins right after school, your child’s Panther Activities or Athletics coordinator will pick up registered Pre-K students from the Pre-K Piazza at 1:10pm. 

At the end of the session, please pick your child up directly from the activity or in the ES cafeteria. 

If your child is in Kindergarten and has an after-school activity that begins right after school, a Panther Activities/Athletics coordinator will pick up registered Kindergarten students from the Kindergarten Quad at 2:15pm. Your child will then be taken to the ES cafeteria where their specific activity/athletic coach will pick them up and take them to their activity. 

If you would like to see your child before their activity begins, we ask that you meet your child at their activity rather than at their classroom or in the cafeteria. 

At the end of the session, please pick your child up directly from the activity or in the ES cafeteria. 

  • If your child is a bus rider, the bus monitor will pick them up in the ES cafeteria
  • If your child has a session immediately after, their next coach will pick them up from the cafeteria

1st Grade
If your child is in 1st Grade and has an after-school activity that begins right after school, a Panther Activities/Athletics coordinator will pick up registered 1st Grade students from the 1st Grade Quad at 2:20pm. Your child will then be taken to the ES cafeteria where their specific activity/athletic coach will pick them up and take them to their activity. 

If you would like to see your child before their activity begins, we ask that you meet your child at their activity rather than at their classroom. 

At the end of the session, please pick your child up directly from the activity or in the ES cafeteria. 

  • If your child is a bus rider, the bus monitor will pick them up in the ES cafeteria
  • If your child has a session immediately after, their next coach will pick them up from the cafeteria

2nd Grade- 5th Grade
During the first week of Season/Session 1, we will have all students in Grades 2-5 check-in at the cafeteria before going to their activity/sport. 

After the first week, students are allowed to go directly to their activity at the end of the school day. If a student is lost, not sure what activity they have or needs assistance, they can always go to the ES cafeteria where Panther Activities/Athletics Coordinators will be waiting to help anyone who needs it. 

Students who do not have a 1st session activity
If your child does not have a session immediately after school, it is your responsibility to make sure they have supervision and a means to get to their activity at its scheduled start time. We do not provide supervision from the end of school until the start of session 2 at 4:00pm. 

Early Release Days (ERD)
Our after-school activities/athletics will begin at their regularly scheduled times on ERD days. This means that there will be a 90-minute gap between the end of the school day and the beginning of session 1. We expect that most students will go home and return to school for their activity. If you need supervision for your child on that day, please communicate with your child’s activity coordinator immediately.

Late Registration
It is not possible to register for a new activity after Friday, August 26th. 

Refund Policy
The two reasons we would consider a refund are:

Your child has a medical issue that requires them to stop an activity (documentation is required) 

Your family is leaving the country in the middle of the season 

Inclement Weather 
Every effort will be made to make up weather related cancellations however refunds will not be issued for activities that are canceled due to circumstances beyond the control of Panther Activities or Athletics.

We reserve the right to make necessary administrative modifications (i.e. instructor, combining classes, location, cancellations, etc.). Changes will be promptly communicated to the email address provided with your registration. 

On behalf of all of our coaches, staff and coordinators, thank you for signing your children up for our after school programs. We can’t wait to work with your kids!

Chris, Kelley, Fon and Anthony

ES Music Ensembles 2022-23
Do you love to sing, move, or play instruments? Think about joining one of our free ES Music Ensembles. Participation in either the Panther Choir, Panther Orff Ensemble, or Panther String Ensemble will allow you to learn and grow as a musician and performer, all while having fun with kids who love music too! All three ensembles are open to grades 3, 4, and 5 students and are free of charge.  


Join us for a new exciting dance season featuring two performances on stage with costumes. Classes are filling up so register now! Contact Yoona:

New Classes Added Today:
Dance PK 2/KG Tuesday 2.40-3.30pm
Jazz Gr 2/3 Tuesday 4.00-5.00pm
Panther Dance 2022 Highlights Reel

ISB Athletics Update:
U11 Season 1 sports begin on Tuesday, August 30th. Tryout information is below:

U11 Practices are always on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2:40pm-3:40pm. Game/Meet and Tournament schedules will be communicated by the coach when the schedule is finalized. 

If you have any questions related to U11 Athletics, please feel free to contact Khun Apple ( and Kelley McKenna (

Panther Fun Run
Join us at 7am on Field A this Saturday for our 1st Panther Run Series Run! Run/Jog/Walk 3km or 5km.  Run starts at 7:30am and will be around Nichada. Donations go toward iCare! 


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