Drug Education & Drug Testing

Andy Vaughan

In High School, we understand the important role we play in assisting students in making health promoting decisions with regards to substance abuse. We balance an educational approach in our Health Classes in both Grade 9 & 10 and in Seminars in G11 & 12. We also have a testing policy that attempts to respond to and support students who need assistance if they test positive or self-report for substance abuse.

Part of our Drug Education program also involves us working with Freedom from Chemical Dependency (FCD), who will visit later this semester to work with some grade levels in High School. We have also worked with the US Embassy DEA in the past to provide student and parent presentations. Later in September, FCD will be completing a comprehensive anonymous survey with our students that helps us track trends within our student population over time and respond with changes to our curriculum and program.

Each year we invest significantly into our drug testing program, testing roughly 50% of our HS student population randomly through a hair sample that is analysed in the USA. Students selected for Drug Testing are explained the procedure and a letter is also sent home if your child is chosen for drug testing. If you receive this letter, please ensure you confirm any medication that your child may be taking and have your child return this within two days to the High School Office.

Next week we will commence our weekly drug testing within our HS Student population and this will continue to the end of the school year. 

We will also be hosting a parent webinar at the very start of December when FCD are visiting ISB. The purpose of this presentation will be to share with parents the results of our student survey and to help educate parents around substance abuse. We will share exact details of the date and time closer to this event.

Finally, as most parents are most likely aware, recently the laws surrounding the use of Marijuana in Thailand have changed dramatically. Although Thailand is very clear that the use of Marijuana for under 20’s is still illegal, there has been an enormous shift within the perceptions and acceptance of the use of this drug. 

Furthermore, the availability of Marijuana has increased overnight around the city and in our local neighbourhood. Cloud 9 is a shop that is located close to ISB and is very clear it will not sell to anyone Under 20, however we know other stores around Bangkok might be less stringent about the age of their customers. 

Please also note that as Marijuana is illegal for anyone under the age of 20, any positive test for THC would still be considered a positive test under the ISB Drug Testing Policy. For more information on our Drug Testing Policy, please see page 52-53 of our Student Handbook.

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