Elections for the PTA Executive Board 2022/23 – Take part – last call for nominations!

Dear ISB Parent Community,

Thank you to those who have already signed up for the PTA Exec Board. We have received good levels of interest in being a part of the team, but still have several roles with no sign ups yet. We are particularly interested in nominations for MS and HS Coordinators, Treasurer, IFF Coordinator and Adult Education Coordinators. As we outlined before, we are very keen to see the roles shared between several people, so if you are interested, but maybe can’t commit to the full workload, please indicate this so we can create some fantastic mini teams within the Exec Board. There is room for everyone! 

The process for filling the Executive Board positions will be as follows:

  • If you are interested in being a part of the PTA Executive Board, please complete this form and submit it no later than 5PM on Tuesday, August 23.  The responsibilities for all positions are described below (per current PTA Bylaws).
  • In the event that there is more than one candidate for a position, we will first ask if the candidates are willing to share the position (or consider another open position). It is preferable that more parents are involved in PTA work to lighten the load and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be part of the team.
  • If candidates are not open to sharing positions, then elections for these positions will take place. 
  • Elections will be by paper ballot and will take place from 7:00am to 4:00pm on Tuesday 30th August 2022. Should a ballot be required, the process will be shared via email on Friday, August 26.
  • The PTA Executive Board will be in place by 31st August 2022 and the ISB community will be notified by eNews.

Please note that the first PTA General Board Meeting will take place on 18th October, 2022.

This school year, ISB will also conduct a By-Laws review process, particularly those related to nominations and elections.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Harriett Gething (harrietg@isb.ac.th) or Debi Caskey (debic@isb.ac.th).

Duties of the Executive Board Officers

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