News from School Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

We hope your student/students’ first week of school has gone well and that they are settling into their routine.  Over the next few weeks, we will be meeting individually with all of our new high school students to check in and see how their transition to ISB is going.  After that we will focus on meeting with our Grade 9 students who are making the big transition to high school.  Then, we will meet individually with our remaining students throughout the first semester.  In the meantime, if anything comes up and you would like for your student’s counselor to reach out, please let us know. 

Speaking of your student’s counselor, we have a new school counselor in the high school. His name is Mr. Frank Sambula Jr. We are super happy to have him here at ISB. Please stop by his office and introduce yourself in a few weeks during Open House. Mr. Sambula, along with Ms. Leoni and I, are looking forward to working with your student/s in partnership with you.

Next Thursday, August 25, is the last day to make schedule changes.  Please ask your student if they are feeling settled in their classes and to reach out to their counselor before next Thursday with any schedule change requests.

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