New HS Faculty

Justin Alexander

Along with 90 new ISB HS students, we are also thrilled to welcome the following new teachers to ISB. They come to us with a variety of backgrounds and experiences from all over the world and have already settled into life in Bangkok and at ISB. Please join me in welcoming them to our community. Whilst their names are listed below, you can also watch a short introduction video that was shared at the Assembly earlier in the week to get to know them a bit better. 

New HS Faculty Introduction Video

New HS Faculty list

Ted Barnwell MS/HS Social Studies
Enrique Caballero HS Spanish Language
Loic Charton HS French Language
Madalina Corneanu HS Math
Richard Ford HS Science
Skye Jamieson HS Annual Sub
Laurie Johnston HS Social studies
Ramesh (Ram) Mahadevan HS Computer Science
Josh Marks HS Learning Support
Sara McCosh HS Social Studies
Nathan Mees HS English
Maddie Meredith HS Learning Support Associate
Siraphassorn (Yim) Pimpirat HS Thai Language
Frank Sambula HS Counselor
Scott Seiple HS Science
Emily Stewart MS/HS Strings
Jasmine Topp HS Annual Sub
Tishy’ Vincent-Johnson HS Learning Support Associate
Ginny Voigt HS Social studies
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