‘Kindness and Opportunity’

Justin Alexander

Dear Parents

I write to you today with positivity and excitement about the year ahead. We have just enjoyed a great first week of school in the High School which was capped off by the Grade 9 Community Day which is taking place as I write this message to you. Our Grade 9 advisory team along with our CAS and Service Learning coordinator Peter Assimakopoulos partnered with the Jump Foundation to put together a day of fun, engagement, and activities for our students and teachers. If you are the parent of a Grade 9 student, please do check in with them and ask them how their day went and if they made a new friend today. 

Speaking of friends and friendship, I wanted to share with you the message from our opening assembly on Monday afternoon. Mr. Vaughan spoke about the importance of kindness and acceptance in today’s busy and challenging world. The news that we see every day on our screens about the conflicts and tragedies taking place across the globe may give rise to a sense of helplessness or inability to make an impact or a change. However, we know that our students and our community can make make a difference simply by being kind to one another. Putting yourselves in the shoes of others, acknowledging the differences that we have, and being welcoming and accepting will help us build a thriving and supportive community at school and at home. 

The other theme shared at our assembly on Monday was about opportunities. The changes in restrictions and the opening up in Thailand mean that there are more opportunities for our students to get involved, be active, and be engaged in service and other activities. There is a myriad of opportunities at ISB (and outside) for our students to be involved in, all I ask is that students look out for these opportunities as they arise and to take advantage. We have a great year of opportunity in front of us which is very exciting. 

The energy of our students is unbelievable and our teachers are thrilled to be back working with them in the classroom again. We look forward to a great year of learning and experiences for all of our students. 

Have a great weekend.


Justin Alexander 

High School Principal

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