Elections for the PTA Executive Board 2022/23 Update

Dear ISB Parent Community,

The purpose of the PTA is to advance, through parent engagement, the Mission, Vision, Attributes, and Values of the school. The main objective is to encourage parental involvement and community building through events and activities that help bring the ISB community together. With a large number of new families welcomed to ISB this year, plenty who have joined in the last few years, and restrictions beginning to ease, it is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy social events and organize activities in and around our campus – and beyond! 

The process for filling the Executive Board positions will be as follows:

  • If you are interested in being a part of the PTA Executive Board, please complete this form and submit it no later than 5PM on Tuesday, August 23.  The responsibilities for all positions are described below (per current PTA Bylaws).
  • In the event that there is more than one candidate for a position, we will first ask if the candidates are willing to share the position (or consider another open position). It is preferable that more parents are involved in PTA work to lighten the load and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to be part of the team.
  • If candidates are not open to sharing positions, then elections for these positions will take place. 
  • Elections will be by paper ballot and will take place from 7:00am to 4:00pm on Tuesday 30th August 2022. Should a ballot be required, the process will be shared via email on Friday, August 26.
  • The PTA Executive Board will be in place by 31st August 2022 and the ISB community will be notified by eNews.

Please note that the first PTA General Board Meeting will take place on 18th October, 2022.

This school year, ISB will also conduct a By-Laws review process, particularly those related to nominations and elections.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Harriett Gething (harrietg@isb.ac.th) or Debi Caskey (debic@isb.ac.th).


Duties of the Executive Board Officers


The President shall: 

  1. Be the official representative of the PTA and will have responsibility for all matters pertaining to the PTA. 
  2. Preside over all the PTA Governing Board, Executive Board, and General Meetings, following the ISB PTA Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order. 
  3. Appoint, as necessary, chairpersons of Standing Committees, who are members of the PTA Governing Board, attend PTA Executive Board meetings, and shall be an ex-officio member of such committees. 
  4. Appoint two (2) representatives from the general membership, plus three (3) Executive Board members, including the Vice President, to be members of the Nominating Committee. 
  5. In the event of a vacancy on the PTA Executive Board, the President shall notify the Executive Board, advertise the position, fill the position by appointment, approved by a majority of all PTA Executive Board members. 
  6. Set dates for all PTA functions with guidance from board members. 
  7. Perform monthly cash and bank reconciliations with the Treasurer. 
  8. Be the countersignatory on all bank transactions and cheques, authorize the Vice President in writing, to sign on his/ her behalf should he/she be unable to do so. 
  9. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  10. Prepare an agenda with the Secretary for the PTA Executive Board and General Meetings. 
  11. Prepare an annual budget, with the Treasurer, consult with all other Executive Board Members and present the proposed annual budget in September for approval by the Executive Board. 
  12. Receive and review Grant requests with the appropriate PTA Executive Board member, ensure that the grant request complies with the PTA Grant guidelines and then present it to the Executive Board for voting. 
  13. Meet with the Head of School weekly. 
  14. Brief the Board of Trustees on PTA activities when requested by the Head of School. 
  15. Write a column for each issue of Touchstone to provide the ISB community with updates on the activities of the PTA. 
  16. Prepare an Annual Report to be handed over to the incoming board and school leadership team
  17. Plan for and facilitate transition meetings following elections and placement of new Executive Board.



The Vice-President shall: 

  1. Assume duties of the President during his/her absence. 
  2. Be empowered to countersign bank transactions and cheques drawn against the PTA’s bank account when the President is unavailable, provided he/she has written approval from the President. 
  3. Assist the President as required and work with the President to stay current and active on school issues with which the President is concerned. 
  4. Be the PTA representative on ISB committees as necessary, such as Food, Security, and Transportation. 
  5. Represent the PTA to school leadership in matters involving Safety. F. Liaise and support the Community Representatives and report to the PTA Executive Board on their activities as appropriate. 
  6. Be responsible for fundraising events and appoint chairs for Board approved events. 
  7. Chair the PTA Nominating Committee following the PTA ByLaws. 
  8. In the event of a vacancy in the Presidency, call a special meeting of the remaining Executive Board officers to fill the presidency by appointment approved by a majority of all Executive Board members. 
  9. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  10. Present a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings. 
  11. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 



The Secretary shall: 


  1. Coordinate with the President to request for agenda items from all Executive Board and Community Reps and prepare the agenda for every meeting. 
  2. Take minutes at meetings and distribute electronic draft copies to the PTA’s Governing Board members no more than two (2) weeks following the PTA Executive Board meeting and present the draft minutes at the next Board meeting for approval. 
  3. Secure rooms and refreshments for all PTA General and Executive Board Meetings. 
  4. Represent the PTA at the Panther Den Day, along with the President and other Executive Board Members. 
  5. Present a monthly report at PTA Board Meetings. 
  6. Manage, maintain and update the PTA eNews with the President as needed. 
  7. Manage, maintain and update the PTA Facebook Page with the President as needed. 
  8. Maintain both paper and electronic files of all previous and current paperwork, including but not limited to minutes for General and Executive Board Meetings, PTA annual reports, and bylaws. 
  9. Keep the PTA Office and equipment in working order, clean and orderly and replenish or provide office supplies and stationery when necessary. 
  10. Keep the PTA materials stored in the PTA storage room in working order, clean and orderly. 
  11. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. L. Coordinate with the President the submission of the PTA calendar dates to the ISB administration. 
  12. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 



The Treasurer shall: 

  1. Be responsible for all funds coming into the PTA, and shall deposit such funds into the PTA’s bank accounts. 
  2. Make disbursements authorized by the PTA Executive Board in the Annual budget, issue receipts, and keep account of all the transactions of the PTA, following guidelines set out in Article 10. 
  3. Be empowered to countersign online transactions and cheques drawn against the PTA’s bank account. 
  4. Have authority to pay expenses in the approved budget from the petty cash fund countersigned by the President and then record all such expenditures in the Treasurer’s files and report them at the next Board meeting. 
  5. Prepare the annual budget based on information given by the Executive Board members. The budget shall be prepared in August, voted in and approved by the Executive Board at the September meeting, and then presented at the October General Meeting for the general community to view. 
  6. Perform monthly cash and bank reconciliations with the President. 
  7. Present cash flow statement of the financial standing of the PTA at each monthly meeting. 
  8. Liaise with the Adult Education Coordinator and the IFF Treasurer appointed by the IFF coordinator. 
  9. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  10. Write a column providing the ISA community with updates on the PTA finances for the Touchstone when asked by the Touchstone Editor in Chief. 
  11. Initiate and execute the Treasurer Handover Process with the incoming Treasurer. 
  12. Ensure all financial records, reports and accruals statements are made available for overview by the ISB CFO or his/her official designee by the 31st of May. 
  13. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 



The IFF Coordinator shall: 

  1. Oversee the scope of the International Family Fair. 
  2. Set up a committee as deemed necessary to fulfill duties of the event. Each committee member will be expected to submit a report at the end of the event. 
  3. IFF Coordinator will bring committee discussions to the Governing Board where appropriate. 
  4. Work with ISB Building & Grounds and ISB administration to ensure IFF activities are aligned with current safety measures and standards. 
  5. Work with the IFF Treasurer and PTA Treasurer following PTA Bylaws regarding financial matters. 
  6. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive and require the same of all IFF Committee members. 
  7. Present a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings 
  8. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 


The Adult Education Coordinator shall: 

  1. Advertise for new instructors and confirm current instructors are willing to run a class. 
  2. Organize a current catalog of classes to be offered for the given semester. C. Advertise the class catalog, coordinate the registration and payment process, and payments dates and times. 
  3. Keep an accurate ledger of incoming payments and salary payouts to teachers, separate from PTA Treasurer’s ledger. 
  4. Liaise with the Treasurer when payments are made and when salaries are due to be paid. 
  5. Liaise with the President and Secretary for dates added to the ISB calendar. 
  6. Work with ISB Building & Grounds and ISB administration to ensure Adult Education activities are in line with current safety measures and standards. 
  7. Present a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings. 
  8. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 
  9. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 



The ES, MS and HS School Coordinators shall facilitate ongoing communication between ISB parents and the appropriate administration. 

Each Coordinator shall: 


  1. Appoint Grade Coordinators and other Special Coordinators, as needed, and provide support and assistance to these persons in coordinating events and activities. 
  2. Select chairpersons and serve as an ex-officio member for needed committees. 
  3. Request parent members to assist with PTA activities when needed. 
  4. Work with parent members and administration to coordinate and support student socials, student activities and/or PTA events. 
  5. Work with the appropriate Principal(s) to prepare an agenda and to conduct each PTA School Meeting. 
  6. Invite Principal(s) and ISB Administration, Grade and Special Coordinators, chairpersons, and parents/guardians to all regularly scheduled PTA School Meetings. Provide leadership and manage the conduct of these meetings. 
  7. Coordinate and distribute information between parents and the school, through appropriate channels. 
  8. Represent general parent interests, ideas and suggestions to ISB school administration. 
  9. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  10. Present a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings. 
  11. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 
  12. Provide articles concerning activities in their respective schools for inclusion in Touchstone. 
  13. Where appropriate, Elementary School Coordinators will work with room parents to coordinate PTA events and activities. 



The Editor in Chief of Touchstone magazine shall: 

  1. Oversee editing, layout, writing, proofreading, publishing, and distribution of Touchstone magazine. 
  2. Establish a committee as needed for Touchstone. 
  3. Set and publish deadline dates for submitted material. 
  4. Maintain a file on the PTA Google Drive of past issues of Touchstone. 
  5. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  6. Present a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings. 
  7. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 



The Hospitality Coordinator shall: 

  1. Extend the PTA’s hospitality toward staff and parents at ISB. 
  2. Distribute items such as cards or gifts/flowers for farewells, births, welcome of new staff etc 
  3. Organize PTA activities for staff, such as Cookie Day, Staff Appreciation Luncheon. 
  4. Liaise with the Welcome Wai and provide support as required for Welcome Wai events. 
  5. Recognize important events in the lives of ISB staff and the membership at large. 
  6. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  7. Present a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings. 
  8. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 
  9. Work with ISB Building & Grounds and ISB administration to ensure Hospitality activities are aligned with current safety measures and standards. 



The Welcome Wai Coordinator shall: 

  1. Organize activities for parents, such as Welcome Coffees (New Parent Orientations, ) other Welcome Wai events and support New parent Orientations
  2. Liaise with the ISB marketing team on PTA gifts for the welcome wai bags. C. Coordinate with the Vice President and Community Representatives for Welcome Wai events and activities. 
  3. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  4. Prepare a monthly report at the PTA Board meetings. 
  5. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 
  6. Work with ISB Building & Grounds and ISB administration to ensure Welcome Wai activities are aligned with current safety measures and standards. 



The Popcorn Coordinator shall: 


  1. Organize the sales of weekly popcorn with the intention that when possible, sales will be conducted each Friday. 
  2. Organize volunteers for popcorn sales. i.e solicit for volunteers (publish sign up sheets on eNews and PTA Facebook Page), organize the list of volunteers, confirm and remind volunteers of the date and time commitments. 
  3. Work with ISB Building & Grounds and ISB administration to ensure popcorn sales are in line with current safety measures and standards. 
  4. Purchase all items required to produce popcorn. (Oil, Kernels, Salt, Flavors, Paper bags etc) 
  5. Work with the Treasurer to ensure the popcorn attendants are paid and cash revenue is handed over appropriately. 
  6. Arrange maintenance for all machinery and equipment. 
  7. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  8. Prepare a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings. 
  9. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 



The Lost and Found Coordinator shall: 


  1. Organize the monthly Lost and Found display and the end of semester sales.
  2. Maintain the PTA Lost and Found Facebook Page. 
  3. Publish reminders with dates and times of displays and sales on the eNews and Facebook Page. 
  4. Coordinate the Lost and Found database and sale of labels. 
  5. Attend or arrange representation at all PTA events with Lost and Found leaflets. 
  6. Maintain all Lost and Found equipment. 
  7. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  8. Prepare a monthly report at the PTA Governing Board Meetings. 
  9. Prepare a budget in consultation with the Treasurer and/or President in support of finalizing the annual budget for Board approval at the September Board Meeting. 
  10. Work with ISB Building & Grounds and ISB administration to ensure Lost and Found activities are aligned with current safety measures and standards. 



The Host Country Representative shall: 

  1. Encourage the Thai parent community to participate in PTA sponsored events and coordinate volunteers for these functions. 
  2. Help organize PTA activities. 
  3. Disseminate PTA information within the Thai parent community. 
  4. Help connect with Thai business and government organizations. 
  5. Serve as the PTA’s point of contact for opportunities to interact positively with the larger Thai community beyond campus, i.e., ISB’s local Thai neighborhoods. 
  6. Keep organized emails, files and reports on the PTA Google Drive. 
  7. Present a monthly report at the PTA board meetings.
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