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Message from HS Principal
Justin Alexander

Dear Parents,

Please let me extend a big welcome to all of our new students and their families who joined us on campus today for the HS New Family Orientation day. We connected our new students with our wonderful student ambassadors who helped with tours, finding out where the lockers and bathrooms are, and explaining how our rotating 8-day schedule works. Families and students were introduced to the HS Admin team and our counselors who are all ready and willing to give help and answer any questions. We look forward to continued opportunities to get to know our new (and current) families in the weeks and months ahead. 

I will keep this week’s message short so that you can spend your time reading about our athletics program, activities, and other exciting start-of-year activities that our students will be able to participate in. 

Have a wonderful long weekend and we look forward to welcoming everyone back on campus on Monday. 

Justin Alexander
HS Principal

Start of School Reminders

Andy Vaughan

It has been amazing to have our new students and Grade 9 students on campus today for orientation after the past couple of years of orientation online. We are very excited to be welcoming your child this coming Monday 15 August and look forward to seeing the hallways and rooms full with students once again!

Students will receive an email tomorrow with details on the first day schedules and expectations for the start of the school year. There is also an adjusted schedule for day one, which is detailed in another enews article.

This message contains shares expectations with regards to uniform, transportation and attendance.

Uniforms and Dress Code
We will be starting this school year with a focus on uniform and dress code with our students. Our dress code policy can be found on page 40 of the online student handbook under ‘Uniform and Dress Code’. 

For a quick summary please note the following:

  • School pants can be purchased from the bookstore, but we do allow non-bookstore pants, so long as they are in the same design limitations as our bookstore pants (smart casual). Pants must be appropriate length (defined as 1/3 of the hip to knee, or no shorter than to the end of one’s thumb tips with arms extended). Tighter pants are allowed however, spandex and ‘yoga’ style  sports pants are not allowed. Pants should also be free from larger branding (small discrete symbols are allowed). 
  • Hoodies and sweaters must be purchased from the Booster Hut. 
  • Every Friday students will have a specific focused alternative dress day in which they will be able to wear ISB Team-wear, class shirts, ISB club wear or themed dress as per the planned schedule for that week. Our Student Council will be sharing these dress days with students directly in the coming weeks
  • Footwear should be comfortable, practical and safe. Open toe shoes are not allowed such as slippers and flip flop sandals.

The High School faculty and administration will monitor students’ attire to ensure that it aligns to our expectations.  Please help us in ensuring that your student(s) only wear dress code conforming clothing to school.  

Bicycle and Motor Scooter Helmets
For personal safety considerations, appropriate bike helmets should be worn (and properly strapped) by both students and adults entering campus.  Administrators and security guards may periodically monitor the front gate and offer reminders and encouragement.  Thank you for helping to support and model a safe environment at ISB!

Driving to school
Only students with a valid Thai driver’s license may drive/park a car on campus.  Students who are 15 years or older may drive/park a motor scooter on campus provided:

  • The student has a Thai driver’s license for their age group
  • The student obtains a parking permit sticker from the HS Office
  • The motorbike is 110cc or under if the student is under 18 years of age
  • An appropriately strapped motorcycle helmet is worn and the driver only carries passengers with helmets on and off campus

Golf carts must also be operated safely and be affixed with a parking pass from the security office. Only students with an approved drivers license will be permitted to park a golf cart on campus and such students must obtain an approval from the High School Office. Drivers licenses from other countries are applicable certification for students driving golf carts to school.

Excusing Absences

Andy Vaughan

Any absence that is necessary for a HS student should be excused by parents via email to our HS Attendance secretary, Khun Gade 02 963 5883 (ext. 3305) or email: It is appreciated if this email can be received before 8.00am so that we can alert teachers early. 

It is important that we receive this parental contact, because without it, your child is marked as absent (X) on PowerSchool.  Unexcused absences may result in additional consequences, such as a discipline consequence or loss of credit if excessive absences take place within a subject. You can see whether your child has been marked absent (X) on any day using PowerSchool.  If we receive confirmation from parents that the absence is excused/explained, then we adjust the code to reflect that. Please help us to ensure we best understand the reasons for your child missing school.

Please also note if a student misses a class during the day, they are not able to participate in co-curricular activities on that day without prior approval from the Dean of Students.

For extended absences, parents should email Andy Vaughan ( and copy in their child’s counselor and Khun Gade ( for approval. Please note that in order to gain credit in a class, students must not exceed 7 absences (excused or unexcused). 

Covid related absences
For any student that tests positive, please ensure that you record this result on the ATK testing form if the test is on a Sunday night. Please also send an email to the following point people:

ISB Nurse:

Justin Alexander:

Andy Vaughan:

For students who are not able to attend school due to testing positive to COVID and the 7 day quarantine period, these students will have a code of NPVS (Not Present Virtual School) listed on PowerSchool. 

Please note that this does not count towards their accumulated absences. Students who are isolating due to covid need to log onto their Google Classroom to keep up with their classwork.

First Day Schedule for HS

Andy Vaughan

We will run a special schedule on Monday 15 August, which aims to allow students to receive the necessary information to be successful in the first weeks of school. 

We will be starting Monday in advisory, rotate through the student schedule for “Day 1”, then participate in grade specific class meetings to help prepare for a successful start of the year. Students will then rotate through “Day 2”, have lunch and finish with an advisory session and Assembly. 

The First Day schedule can be found here: 

PowerSchool Schedules for HS Students

Andy Vaughan

PowerSchool Schedules are now available for students to access for students through their PowerSchool student Log-in (

For any students that are unable to access PowerSchool, please contact either Chris Bell (

Please note that changes may occur to student’s schedules as we may need to balance classes due to a much higher late enrolment than we normally experience

Students are not able to change classes on their first day back, but are permitted to change classes (if possible) in the first 8 day rotation, with the final day of schedule changes on Thursday August 25. 


News from University Counselors
Debbie McDowell

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!

The summer was full of rest and relaxation for the university counselors.  In addition, we attended (in person and virtually) the 2022 International Association of College Admissions Counselors Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico during the week of 11-15 July.  It was awesome to be back in person among colleagues from around the world.  Lots of stimulating discussions, thoughtful presentations and collegial connections were experienced by all the participants.  We look forward to connecting with your families and being able to share our insights and experiences once the school year starts. 

University Visits

University representatives will begin visiting ISB soon so mark your calendars for these events which are already planned: 

29 August, Monday @ 11:00-11:40am: Les Roches International School of Hotel Management and Glion Institute of Higher Education.  HS Conference Room

15 September, Thursday @ 11:00-11:40 am: University of British Columbia, MPB

15 September, Thursday @ 3:00-3:30 pm: Brandeis University, the University of Richmond, Trinity College, and Boston University. Location to be determined.

22 September, Thursday, Time to be determined. Greater Bangkok University Fair. Over 200 universities from around the world will be on campus to meet with students and parents. 

Senior Seminars will start on 25 August when the seniors will meet with their respective university counselor to begin the planning for this year’s activities. 

Senior Family University Night will be on Tuesday, 30 August at 6:30 pm in the Chevron Theater. All seniors and parents are invited to attend. We are excited to start the year with this kick off event. Counselors will provide valuable information about the upcoming university application process and explain the timeline and procedures for the senior class. 

As the year begins, the university counselors are ready to work with students to help them prepare and submit applications to universities that will provide each one with a challenging atmosphere for learning and a supportive community for personal growth. We look forward to working with you and your children during the 2022-2023 school year!

Ms. Debbie McDowell (she, her, hers, Ms.)
Head of University Counseling


News from School Counselors

Jackie Valenzuela

Welcome back!  We hope your family had a restorative break.  We are looking forward to our time with your student/students this year.

As a reminder, students can make changes to their schedule until Thursday, August 25.  They can email their counselor with their requests.

We will be reaching out to students to check in over the next several weeks.  Your student is also welcome to send us an email requesting to meet anytime.  We are here to support not only their academic needs, but most importantly their social and emotional wellbeing.

Here’s to a great 2022-2023 school year!



Anthony Giles

The HS Fall Play this year is Museum by Tina Howe, 

a one-act comedy which provides a fantastic opportunity for young actors to play a range of interesting and amusing characters. The show will run in late October.

Auditions take place in the HS Drama Room (8-201) on Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th August. There is no need to prepare anything as all materials will be given on Tuesday!

Any questions? Email!

Ms Harison-Denby, HS Drama Teacher


Panther Native Language Academy 2022-23

Avery Udagawa native language classes are open for registration! In . . .

  • Nederlands
  • français
  • Deutsch
  • עברית
  • 日本語
  • 한국어
  • 中文
  • español
  • ภาษาไทย (PreK2)

More languages, such as Bangla, may be added in Season (Session) 2! 

Contact Avery Udagawa:

Native Language @ ISB Blog:

About the Panther Native Language Academy

Our after-school native language classes best suit students who are (a) unable to take a native language class during school, or (b) students who need extra support as determined by the teacher of the native language class in school.

A native/near native language is generally described as a language that is used on a daily basis with at least one parent. This is fundamental to ensure that the language can be supported outside of the classroom. We believe that native language learning happens best when students experience a strong home-school partnership.

In the Panther Native Language Academy, our goal is to offer meaningful learning activities in reading, writing, speaking, and listening that reflect ISB’s vision, mission, attributes and values. We aim to keep students moving forward in their native language learning and connected with their peers.

For all students in Kindergarten and up whose families pay for one Panther Native Language Academy class session per week (500 THB/one-hour session, due when the term begins), ISB funds a second session per week if there is adequate demand. PreK 2 classes meet once per week only. External language programs hosted at ISB may require different considerations. 

Occasionally, ISB has “hidden multilinguals” whose native/near-native languages are not spoken at home, having developed through a prior childcare or school experience. Families of “hidden multilinguals” who might benefit from Panther Native Language Academy are encouraged to contact us.

Please kindly see more information and our concluding video from 2021-22. Here’s to a language-rich 2022-23 school year!


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