ISB CALENDAR 2022-2023

ISB Calendar 2022-2023

This year’s calendars are ready, and will be sent home with all returning students the week of August 15th through ES classroom teachers, MS advisory teachers, and HS  advisory teachers.  The oldest child in each family will receive a calendar for his/her family, with new students to ISB receiving their calendars during orientation. Please find the 2022-23 calendar linked HERE as we have discovered that some were printed with a random missing page. If you receive a misprinted version and would like to exchange it for one that is complete, or if you would like to purchase an additional calendar (100 THB), please swing by the Panther Den adjacent the Booster Hut anytime between 7:00am and 4:00pm daily Monday through Friday starting August 15th. Thanks & have a great school year!  

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