Summer is here!

Congratulations to our entire Middle School community on the completion of another unique and challenging school year. While it’s easy to look at all the obstacles and challenges we had this year, instead I want to celebrate the amazing resilience, adaptability, and care of everyone in the MS.

Our teachers continued through ever-changing circumstances to ensure high quality learning was taking place and students were cared for.

Thank you to our families for supporting your children through the year and helping them stay focused and positive. I continue to be so proud of how well they have responded through the year to guidelines, learning environments, and each other.

Despite the circumstances, we were so pleased to have grades 7 and 8 make it to our EWC for the outdoor education program. All grades had class trips. And we were able to even squeeze in our MS Olympics last week. These experiences are formative for students and we are so glad that students got to have them this semester.

We wish everyone well for the upcoming holiday. Best wishes to all of our departing families. We hope you leave with fond memories and a positive experience. We say goodbye to many teachers this year, combining for over 100 years of service at ISB. We are a better school for them having been here and we will do our best to continue to maintain their high standard with our new teachers in the coming year.

Everyone has earned a well deserved break. Please encourage your children to read for pleasure over the holiday. Research shows that reading can help minimize the “summer lag” in learning before the new school year starts.

Have a wonderful holiday!!!

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