News from HS Counselors

Kevin Callahan

One week to go!  Hopefully your summer plans are firmed up and you are almost ready to travel safely and relatively stress free.  For both leaving students and those that are staying, make sure that you spend some time with your friends before you or they go on to their next adventure.  Tell them how important they have been to you!

We’re proud of our students, teachers, and administrators as we have all made it through another challenging year.  Everyone is a bit exhausted and we are all very hopeful that Thailand in general and the ISB community in particular will continue to head in the right direction health-wise.  We wish you all a safe and healthy break over the next two months, one in which you are able to get out safely and to enjoy your time outside the confines of a computer screen.  Do something nice for yourself in the coming break that you have been meaning to do, but haven’t had the time. 

If you need help with anything over the break, the High School Counselors will be checking their emails regularly (but not daily) so you can contact them.  In case of emergency, call the high school office and they will try to get in touch with the counselor you need.  If Mr. Callahan is your counselor, you may know that he is retiring this year.  If you need anything from him, please ask within the next week.  (And please give Ms. Valenzuela and Ms. Leoni the break they need by realizing that requesting a schedule change is not an emergency! If you want a schedule change, take care of it in the coming week.)  We’ll look forward to saying our final good-byes next week!

Kevin Callahan
High School Counselor

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